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Username Signed187   (number: 20609)
Name (Nick) Signed187
Average of Ratings  (0 albums)
Join Date September 27, 2019 19:50 Last Login October 2, 2019 22:58
Point 180 Posts / Comments 5 / 0
Login Days / Hits 2 / 2 E-mail
Lists written by Signed187
Title Items Date
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Artist Genres Country Albums Votes Date
previewPriming PressureDeath Metal, Melodic Death MetalGermany30Sep 27, 2019
cover art Artist Album Release date Rating Votes Date
A view from abovepreviewpreviewA view from above2013-10-25-0Sep 27, 2019
Last OdysseypreviewpreviewLast Odyssey2019-05-04-0Sep 27, 2019
Past the point of no returnpreviewpreviewPast the point of no return2015-10-23-0Sep 27, 2019
End comes closerpreviewpreviewEnd comes closer2012-0Sep 27, 2019
Album reviews written by Signed187
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Album comments written by Signed187
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Track ratings added by Signed187
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Album lyrics added by Signed187
cover art Band Lyrics Album Lyrics Date
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Free board posts written by Signed187
Title Date Hits
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Artists : 46,782
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