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Username metal-nations   (number: 23662)
Name (Nick) metal-nations
Average of Ratings  (0 albums)
Join Date December 3, 2021 00:09 Last Login December 9, 2021 00:25
Point 131 Posts / Comments 2 / 0
Login Days / Hits 2 / 2 E-mail
Country United States
Lists written by metal-nations
Title Items Date
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Artist Genres Country Albums Votes Date
previewForever FallingDeath DoomInternational10Dec 3, 2021
cover art Artist Album Release date Rating Votes Date
Suspended Over the ImmanentpreviewpreviewSuspended Over the Immanent2021-11-27-0Dec 3, 2021
Album reviews written by metal-nations
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Album comments written by metal-nations
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For You I DieFallen100/100    Dec 3, 2021
preview  Chalice of Suffering preview  For You I Die (2016)
For You I DieScreams of Silence90/100    Dec 3, 2021
preview  Chalice of Suffering preview  For You I Die (2016)
For You I DieFor You I Die90/100    Dec 3, 2021
preview  Chalice of Suffering preview  For You I Die (2016)
Album lyrics added by metal-nations
cover art Band Lyrics Album Lyrics Date
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Free board posts written by metal-nations
Title Date Hits
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Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,782
Reviews : 10,282
Albums : 168,053
Lyrics : 217,883