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Name :  level 21 Eagles
Date :  2004-11-12 21:18
Hits :  3021

Daniel Heiman 과 Fredrik Olsson, Lost Horizon 탈퇴!!

충격이 큽니다.. 개인적으로 상당히 아쉽군요..



As many have surely heard, the label Music For Nations no longer exists. This is an effect of the merger between Zomba, who owned MFN, and BMG. Consequently Lost Horizon has been released from their contract, and they are now free to negotiate with other labels.

In relation to this, vocalist Daniel Heiman and guitarist Fredrik Olsson announce their leave from Lost Horizon in order to pursue other projects. Since they have been pulling in a different direction than the rest of the band for some time, all six agrees that this is the best solution.

The remainder of the band Wojtek Lisicki, who only just returned to Lost Horizon, Christian Nyquist, Attila Publik and Martin Fur?gen, will continue the magic voyage ?back from where they started out in 1998! Work on the third Lost Horizon album is under way, and already more than half of the material has been completed.

If you who read this know that YOU are the coming world-class singer of Lost Horizon, do not hesitate to send a sample of your work (either as mp3 or write to ask for an address).
But PLEASE, think twice about if you really have what it takes – the voice, the skill, the mind, and last but not least, the looks! The Lost Horizon audition-crew has received massive amounts of applications, and not quite all of them measure up...

Lost horizon has already received offers from several labels, and other interested parties are welcome to approach us.

A new era has begun!

And at last ?Lost Horizon can savour the luxury of not being stressed!

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level super RAGE     2004-11-12 22:47
전화위복이라는 말도 있지 않습니까... 보컬이 바뀌어서 더 대성한 그룹들도 많으니... 더 나은 모습 기대합니다!!!
level 7 핑크     2004-11-13 00:44
거 참 아쉽군요.
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redondo 2024-10-28 18:43
관세적게내는법은어느분글을본거같은데,그냥 지르니이런엄청난부담이.하지만시디만온전하다면야
GODSIZE 2024-10-28 16:17
세금은 당연히 납부해야 하지만 사실 짜증 나는 건 사실입니다 ㅎㅎ
redondo 2024-10-28 10:03
통장에서 빠진금액이 39만5천ㄷ 최근가장 많이 쓴게 6매14만원에휘청였는데. 폭주를 도배죄송
redondo 2024-10-28 09:57
희귀반들을 지켜보다 9매에40만원;; 인켄테이션x2,말리볼x2,시니스터x2등. 세관에있음.
redondo 2024-10-28 09:50
관세폭탄 6만원쯤 나온다네요. 10일이상 걸리다네요. 서류작성 우체국 팩스보내고 고생;;
GODSIZE 2024-10-27 20:44
오늘 검색해 보니 다행히 중간 배송단계 로그 건너뛰고 통관 중이라고 뜨네요 거의 2주 정도 걸렸네요
metalnrock 2024-10-27 12:37
출고중 분실이면 아마존이 책임지고 재고 확보해주길 ㅠㅠ
metalnrock 2024-10-27 12:36
저도 조용히 보고 왔습니다. 라이브 좋더라고요 ㅎㅎ
서태지 2024-10-27 09:04
Hellride 공연. Nightrage 좋았습니다 lml
GODSIZE 2024-10-26 16:38
아마존도 출고중 분실이 있군요 chat pile 프리오더 해 놓은 cd가 사라졌어요 cd는 당분간 품절 같은데 ;;;