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Clandestine Blaze
ArtistClandestine Blaze
GenresBlack Metal
LabelsNorthern Heritage

Clandestine Blaze Albums Ranked

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RankCover artAlbumRatingVotesReviews 
1Clandestine Blaze - Deliverers of Faith
8930#114 for 2004
#4,680 all-time
2Clandestine Blaze - Church of Atrocity
86.331#187 for 2006
#6,074 all-time
3Clandestine Blaze - Fist of the Northern Destroyer
77.651#207 for 2002
#8,350 all-time
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,118
Reviews : 10,712
Albums : 176,741
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