Primal Fear에 관한 질문..
메탈 옵저버에 있는 인터뷰입니다.. 답변 내용은 랄프가 했고, 해석은 생략..(죄송)
You borrowed Mike Chlasciak from Rob Halford's band to contribute on the tracks "Fear" and "Controlled". How did you get him to do the guest spot?
We met two years ago when HALFORD was on tour here in Europe and he was in Stuttgart. So, we went down to the place and it's about 10 minutes for us and we met him and he said he was very pleased to meet us because he was very much into the GAMMA RAY-stuff. We really became close friends. We emailed each other what was going on with HALFORD's tour and what's going on with PRIMAL FEAR. We thought it would be a good idea to invite him because we mixed the album in Texas anyway and we invited him and he had the time to come in and he did two solos. We could really say this is more a move of friendship somehow because we like each other.
이 인터뷰를 읽어보면 제가 뜻을 잘못 이해한거 일수도 있으나 fear란 곡과 controlled란 곡에서
헬포드가 게스트로 참여한걸로 나와있는데, Devil's Ground 싱글에 들어있는 곡인가요?
그리고 저 인터뷰 보면 흥미로운 사실이네요, 랄프와 헬포드가 친구라..
또 한가지, 저 인터뷰 위에서 보면(여기에는 안 나왔지만) 랄프가 자기 목소리가 헬포드와
비슷하다는 것을 인정하고, 또 그것을 자랑스럽게 여기더군요..
왜냐하면 훌륭한 보컬과 비교를 당하는 것이 자랑스럽기 때문이라나요..
You borrowed Mike Chlasciak from Rob Halford's band to contribute on the tracks "Fear" and "Controlled". How did you get him to do the guest spot?
We met two years ago when HALFORD was on tour here in Europe and he was in Stuttgart. So, we went down to the place and it's about 10 minutes for us and we met him and he said he was very pleased to meet us because he was very much into the GAMMA RAY-stuff. We really became close friends. We emailed each other what was going on with HALFORD's tour and what's going on with PRIMAL FEAR. We thought it would be a good idea to invite him because we mixed the album in Texas anyway and we invited him and he had the time to come in and he did two solos. We could really say this is more a move of friendship somehow because we like each other.
이 인터뷰를 읽어보면 제가 뜻을 잘못 이해한거 일수도 있으나 fear란 곡과 controlled란 곡에서
헬포드가 게스트로 참여한걸로 나와있는데, Devil's Ground 싱글에 들어있는 곡인가요?
그리고 저 인터뷰 보면 흥미로운 사실이네요, 랄프와 헬포드가 친구라..
또 한가지, 저 인터뷰 위에서 보면(여기에는 안 나왔지만) 랄프가 자기 목소리가 헬포드와
비슷하다는 것을 인정하고, 또 그것을 자랑스럽게 여기더군요..
왜냐하면 훌륭한 보컬과 비교를 당하는 것이 자랑스럽기 때문이라나요..
음.--; 원래 랄프는 주다스를 사랑해서요... ^^ 주다스 보컬 시험에도 갔으나 탈락..ㅠㅠ 스타일이 비슷하죠^^ 두 사람다 고음역 부분 보컬분들이시니..^^ | ||
Black Sun 앨범에 Fear와 controlled란 곡이 있긴 한데요.
투어당시 게스트로 출현했다는 얘기가 아닐까요..
"The 2003 Metal Gods Tour" 에서의 모습입니다.
랄프가 롭을 모시기로는 소문이 자자하죠.
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오른쪽이 헬포드입니까??
설마... 여기 올라온 일렉트릭 아이스 라이브에서의 그 카리스마넘치는 모습은...-_-;;
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와우 대단하군요, 세바스찬과 헬포드가 한 무대에서 같이 불렀듯이 랄프와 헬포드도 같은 무대에서 한소절씩 부르면 정말 볼만 하겠군요 | ||
zzz | ||
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