여러 장르 메틀팝니다
Crimsonwind - the wings of salvation 수입 13트랙 9000
Mors principlum est - the unborn 일본판 10000 판매
- inhumanity 일본판 10000
Unisonic - ignition 4000
Vitalij kuprij - high defintion 4000
Dreams of sanity - masquerade 수입 8000
Fates warning - fwx 수입 8000
Crimson glory - s/t 6000
Gamma ray - power plant 5000
- land of the free 5000
- insanity and genius 5000
Karl sanders - saurian exorcisms 수입 10000
Diabolical masquerade - ravendusk in my heart 수입 9000
Fecundation - cadaveric rigdity / from grave to cradle 7000
Chthonic - seedig bale 수입 10000
Dark sanctuary - exaudi vocem mean pt.1 수입 9000
Zandelle - vengeance rising 수입 10000
- twilight on humanity 수입 10000
- flames of rage 수입 10000
Timo tolkki - saana warrior of light pt.1 일본반 10000
The lord weird slough feg - down among the deadman 수입 디지팩 8000
Artrosis - w lmie nocy 수입 디지팩 8000
Anders johansson jens johansson and allan holdsworth - heavy machinery 6000
Jens johansson - ten seasons 수입 8000
Borknagar - urd 수입 디지팩 9000
Powerwolf - blood of the saints 수입 10000
Luca turilli - prophet of the last eclipse 수입 디지북 12트랙 23000
Cradle of filth - nymphetamine 2cd 수입디지팩 15000
- midian 5000
Arthemis - golden dawn 일본반 8000
Killing touch - one of a kind 일본반 미셀 루피 보컬 프로듀스 10000
Dream theater - a change of seasons 수입 7000
- hollow years 5000
- octavarium 7000
Silver mountain -live at hibiya 85 수입 디지팩 2000장 한정판 317번 18000
Maverick - natural born steel 6000
Hibria - defying the rules 일본반 12트랙 싸인반 10000
Slayer - reign in blood 수입 6000
Metallica - live shit binge and purse 수입 3cd 2dvd 30000
Sepultura - nation 5000
Radiohead - amnesiac 수입 디지북 12000
Paatos - silence of another kind 수입 디지팩 11000 프로그래시브 락
- kallocain 수입디지팩 1cd 1dvd 12000
Stealing axion - moments 수입 디지팩 9000
Megadeth - the world needs hero 7000 박스
Communic - conspiracy in mind / waves of visual decay 2cd 박스 15000
- payment of existence 수입 10000
Heathen - breaking the silence 수입 디지팩 데모버전포함 13트랙 11000
- victims of deception 일본반 10000 판매
Pink floyd - live in california u.s.a 1987 수입 11000
Flotsam and jetsam - doomsday for the deceiver
2cd 1dvd 20주년 에디션 15000
Sigh - scorn defeat 수입 디지팩 2cd 11000
Celtic frost - reign of steel 수입 13000
Devil doll - dies irae 수입 골드cd 11000
B'z - b'z the mixture 일본반 10000
- the ballads ~love and b'z~ 일본반 디지북 10000
Alpha tiger - man or machine 일본반 11000
The 3rd and the motal - tears laid in earth 9000
Rhapsody of fire - triumph or agony 수입 9000
Genesis - nursery cryme 수입 11000
At the gates - slaughter of the soul / purgatory unleashed live at wacken 2cd 수입 하드케이스 15000
The crest - letters from fire 수입 디지팩 9000
2장 이상 판매하며
010 3958 1060 으로 문자 연락주세요
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