음반 재업로드 및 추가업로드
저번에 올렸던 내역 + 새로운 내역 추가합니다!!
cattle decapitation-monolith of inhumanity-12000chrome division-3rd round knockout-10000bloodbath-nightmares made flesh-10000marduk-Rom 5:12(일본반)-12000belphegor-blood magick necromance-12000gorefest-rise to ruin-10000
cryptopsy-none so vile(국내반)-6000
grave-as rapture comes-10000
darkthrone-transilvanian hunger(20th anniversary edition 2cd)-15000
slayer-south of heaven-5000
warbringer-world torn asunder-12000
sodom-tapping the vein-12000
krisiun-conquerors of armageddon-13000
vital remains-dechristianize(수입반)-13000
fleshgod apocalypse-oracles-14000
triptykon-melana chasmate-13000
mephistopheles-sound of the end-11000
vital remains-icons of evil-10000
rhapsody of fire-triumph or agony-10000
marduk-serpent sermon-11000
voivod-target earth-14000
at the gates-slaughter of soul-12000
incantation-vanquish in vengeance(limited boxset[슬립케이스,깃발,패치포함)-20000
machine head-the blackening(2cd & dvd edition)-18000
napalm death-time waits for no slave(국내반)-6000
pestilence-malleus maleficarum-10000
anthrax-worship music(2CD special edition(anthem포함)-13000
amon amarth-deceiver of the gods(Deluxe edition)-14000
hypocrisy-hell over sofia(live 앨범[2cd+1dvd])-13000
eden bridge-solitaire-8000
kreator-violent revolution(국내반)-4000
hypocrisy-end of disclosure-11000
the storm(하드락밴드)-eye of the storm-10000
dying fetus-reign supreme-11000
hour of penance-sedition-12000
vader-de profundis(일본반)-12000
queensryche(limited box edition)-14000
immortal-all shall fall-12000
marduk-heaven shall burn-5000
cannibal corpse-evisceration plague(국내반 2cd)-6000
vision divine-destination set to nowhere(국내반)-5000
arch enemy-khaos legions-5000
exodus-shovel headed kill machine(국내반)-5000
sodom-get what you deserve-10000
enslaved-riitiir(deluxe edition)-11000
protest the hero-scurrilous-8000
work of art-in progress-11000
die apokalyptischen reiter-all you need is love-9000
die apokalyptischen reiter-have a nice trip-9000
gigan-multi-dimensional fractal socery and super science-10000
old man's child-slaves of the world-9000
one man army and the undead quartet-the dark epic-9000
candlemass-death magic doom(일본반)-10000
suffocation-blood oath-10000
hibria-blind ride(국내반)-5000
heed-the call(일본반)-10000
구매의향 있으신분들은 010-4009-9623으로 꼭 문자로 연락주세요!!
사정상 전화는 힘들어요! ㅠㅠ
문의사항 물어보시는 대로 전부 알려드립니다 (사진,상태 등등)
시간나는대로 바로바로 답해드리겠습니다!
50000원이상 구매시 배송비 무료
그 이하는 배송비 3000원입니다!!
View all posts (12)
Number | Title | Name | Date | Hits |
565 | 음반 판매5 | 쏘일헐크 | 2017-07-04 | 1380 |
564 | 음반 판매4 | 쏘일헐크 | 2017-07-04 | 1157 |
563 | 음반 판매 3 | 쏘일헐크 | 2017-07-04 | 1650 |
562 | 음반 판매2 | 쏘일헐크 | 2017-07-04 | 1513 |
561 | 음반 판매 | 쏘일헐크 | 2017-07-04 | 1144 |
511 | 재업로드 및 3차추가업로드 | 쏘일헐크 | 2016-07-31 | 2074 |
509 | 2차 재업로드 및 추가업로드!!! | 쏘일헐크 | 2016-07-21 | 1842 |
▶ | 음반 재업로드 및 추가업로드 | 쏘일헐크 | 2016-07-18 | 1352 |
504 | 데스/블랙/스래쉬 몇장 처분합니다!!!!!!!!! | 쏘일헐크 | 2016-07-13 | 1140 |
454 | CD판매합니다 | 쏘일헐크 | 2015-11-22 | 3010 |
445 | 각종앨범 판매합니다 | 쏘일헐크 | 2015-09-18 | 1531 |
155 | 소돔 Code Red 구합니다!!! [5] | 쏘일헐크 | 2011-12-01 | 1737 |