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Cover art Artist Album Lyrics Release date Rating Votes Reviews
10 Years of Perversions
10 Years of Perversions  [Compilation]
Oct 10, 20106510
Blasphemous AllianceOct 25, 20136510
no imageSep 5, 20096510
MingoJun 2, 20136510
Verses of FireLyricsOct 29, 20136510
Fermenting the Chiba SeedsDec 13, 20126510
Exposition  [EP]
May 15, 20136510
no imageJun 28, 20126510
OathbreakerMay 20, 20146510
Live the StageSep 19936510
ProfanoFeb 1, 20096510
A Necessary DehumanizationLyricsApr 15, 20146510
EphemeralLyricsOct 31, 20146510
Blasphemous Hell MurderJun 20106510
Melancholic SpiritsMay 6, 20136510
SimulacrumAug 9, 20146510
GehennaJul 8, 20146510
Towards the ApocalypseApr 10, 20156510
Netherworld OraclesApr 7, 20156510
La Petite Mort
La Petite Mort  [Single]
Dec 4, 20136511
Greyness of a Young DespondencyMar 6, 20156510
no image19996510
StarlessLyricsJan 29, 20166510
Happy BlueSep 15, 19986510
The World They Took OverJan 18, 20166510
Socialismo satánicoLyrics19976510
Hunger of Cold NightsNov 20086510
Al Nabi Moujrem, Moughtaseb, DajjalNov 30, 20056510
Wodureid  [EP]
no imageMay 9, 20146510
Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,844
Reviews : 10,299
Albums : 168,321
Lyrics : 217,910