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Wuthering Heights
ArtistWuthering Heights
GenresProgressive Power Metal, Folk Metal
LabelsSensory Records, Locomotive Records, Scarlet Records

Wuthering Heights Albums Ranked

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RankCover artAlbumRatingVotesReviews 
1Wuthering Heights - The Shadow Cabinet
90.582#62 for 2006
#1,859 all-time
2Wuthering Heights - Far From the Madding Crowd
92.540#54 for 2004
#2,206 all-time
3Wuthering Heights - Salt
79.840#262 for 2010
#8,063 all-time
4Wuthering Heights - To Travel for Evermore
7830#218 for 2002
#8,669 all-time
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,348
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Albums : 177,294
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