7. I'm Not Scared Of You (0:38)
I don't shelter myself in fear
I have no fear of this world
Try to come and strike me down
It only will make me grow stronger
They try to weigh me down and drown me out, but I'm still standing
Back off from me. I'm not scared of you. I am the one who's laughing
I do not fear Satan. Satan is a weak little rat
He'll be still when stricken down and he will remain just like that
I have no fear of this world
Try to come and strike me down
It only will make me grow stronger
They try to weigh me down and drown me out, but I'm still standing
Back off from me. I'm not scared of you. I am the one who's laughing
I do not fear Satan. Satan is a weak little rat
He'll be still when stricken down and he will remain just like that

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