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Nightfall Review

Candlemass - Nightfall


TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresDoom Metal
LabelsActive Records
Ranked#14 for 1987 , #363 all-time
Album rating :  93.2 / 100
Votes :  20  (2 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 12         Rating :  80 / 100
Candlemass enter one of their most celebrated lineups here with the addition of Messiah and record the great Nightfall. By 1987, Candlemass was pretty much indisputably the best Doom band around, especially solidifying the fact after dropping a follow up album just as amazing as their debut (both of which remain their finest works in most people’s opinion).

They continue the same style as their debut, adding an epic and even uplifting sound to the slow and simple Doom genre, rife with religious symbolism as well as occult fantasy. Messiah and leif grab all the attention here, as Leif wrote most if not all of the music, including many of Trad Doom’s most memorable riffs, and Messiah puts on a vocal performance that would sound at home in an opera show. The act works well for the epic Doom rockers, and many of the songs tell small tales that effectively play off this aesthetic.

Unfortunately, while the debut was strictly 6 great songs, this album has a bit of filler found in mostly pointless interludes between songs. At the Gallows’ End and Samarithan are two of the greatest songs the band ever wrote, but the filler puts this album just below the debut in my opinion.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Gothic Stone0:4881.34
2.The Well of Souls7:2791.76Audio
3.Codex Gigas2:20825
4.At the Gallows End5:4892.56Audio
6.Marche Funebre2:2283.36
7.Dark Are the Veils of Death7:08875
8.Mourners Lament6:10875
10.Black Candles2:18855

Line-up (members)

  • Messiah Marcolin : Vocals
  • Lars "Lasse" Johansson : Guitars
  • Mats "Mappe" Björkman : Guitars
  • Leif Edling : Bass, Songwriting (tracks 1-5, 7-9), Lyrics
  • Jan Lindh : Drums
  • Guest/session musicians:
  • Mike Wead : Lead Guitar, Songwriting on "Black Candles"
8 reviews
cover art Artist Album review Reviewer Rating Date Likes
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▶  Nightfall Review (1987)
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Ancient Dreams
level 5 mhvasconcelos   90/100
Jul 30, 2024       Likes :  1
It's kind of a continuation of Nightfall, what's a really hard thing to do, but this work doesn't lost much compare to the previous album. A 90/100 easily. "Mirror Mirror" is probably the hit of this album for me. The melody sung by Marcolin is sensational. Beautiful song. "A Cry From the Crypt" features a riff that seems to have no conclusion in the first few seconds, which m... Read More
Tales of Creation
level 12 SilentScream213   80/100
Nov 1, 2020       Likes :  1
Tales of Creation is the last of Candlemass’ original golden era of albums, and what a fine way to conclude Messiah’s (first) run with the band. The album is a concept album of sorts, focusing on creation, loneliness, introspection and self-love. It may not have a direct overarching story, but there are call-back moments throughout that connect the dots. Musically, it so... Read More
Ancient Dreams
level 12 SilentScream213   80/100
Aug 16, 2020       Likes :  1
Candlemass deliver the same kind of quality, riff-driven epic Trad Doom as always. Again with Messiah’s intense vocal prowess, the album retains the sound from Nightfall. Ancient Dreams tends to be seen as a drop in quality, but I instead see it as a trade off of sorts. There is no doubt that Ancient Dreams fails to deliver the same highs as Nightfall; however, it also does a... Read More
▶  Nightfall Review (1987)
level 12 SilentScream213   80/100
Jun 16, 2020       Likes :  1
Candlemass enter one of their most celebrated lineups here with the addition of Messiah and record the great Nightfall. By 1987, Candlemass was pretty much indisputably the best Doom band around, especially solidifying the fact after dropping a follow up album just as amazing as their debut (both of which remain their finest works in most people’s opinion). They continue t...
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
level 12 SilentScream213   80/100
Apr 1, 2020       Likes :  1
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus. The name carries immense weight, even before hearing what lies therein. Often given the title of the greatest Doom Metal album of all time, bandleader Leif Edling carries the band with immense riff-writing prowess, and Johan Längqvist wields a powerful, epic operatic bellow. Here, he sets the now solidified trope of epic vocals in Trad Doom. His voi... Read More
level 4 markchoi   96/100
Mar 3, 2010       Likes :  1
고딩2년때 동네레코드가게에서 자켓만 보고 500원에 구입한빽판이 바로 캔들매스의 나잇폴이었다. 이 앨범은 아직도 개인적으로 즐겨듣는 앨범으로 누가 머라해도 내 생각엔 전작 Epicus Doomicus Metallicus 도 훌륭하지만 이 앨범이 그들의 최고작이다. 곡의 구성력이나 연주등 여러가지 측면... Read More
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