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GenresBlack Metal
LabelsNo Colours Records

Nargaroth Albums Ranked

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RankCover artAlbumRatingVotesReviews 
1Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument)
75.3352#170 for 2001
#6,316 all-time
2Nargaroth - Semper Fidelis
8231#255 for 2007
#7,755 all-time
3Nargaroth - Jahreszeiten
68.4223#295 for 2009
#8,792 all-time
4Nargaroth - Herbstleyd
72.171#223 for 1999
#8,955 all-time
5Nargaroth - Geliebte des Regens
70.451#266 for 2003
#9,210 all-time
6Nargaroth - Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare
60.971#339 for 2011
#9,567 all-time
7Nargaroth - Era of Threnody
58.330#252 for 2017
#9,654 all-time
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