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2,736 albums
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Cover art Artist Album Lyrics Release date Rating Votes Reviews
Antichristian KaosOct 4, 200100
Half LifeDec 17, 200200
666 Knives to the Son's Heart200300
666 Knives to the Son's HeartMar 5, 200300
Summercamp NightmareOct 3, 200300
Wake PigOct 26, 200400
Onnipotenza IIIMay 200500
Onnipotenza IIIJun 5, 200500
These Iron BonesMay 8, 200700
The End Is BegunJul 24, 20079411
Santu Rusariu
Santu Rusariu  [Demo]
Nov 5, 200800
Santu rusariuNov 5, 200800
RevisionsOct 27, 200900
Mediterranean Scene
Mediterranean Scene  [Compilation]
Il Braccio SinistroApr 22, 201100
Il braccio sinistroApr 22, 201100
The Ghost You Gave MeOct 11, 201100
Synthetic Satanic KaosMar 29, 201300
Pop (Perpetuo orrore popolare)Nov 2, 201400
Sodium/SulfurDec 201300
Sect of the White WormApr 200100
Battlecry Under a Winter SunLyricsMar 2, 20029011
Destroy the Orcs
Destroy the Orcs  [Single]
Ride Darkhorse RideMay 5, 200300
Deadly Sinners
Deadly Sinners  [Single]
Advance and VanquishLyricsSep 28, 200482.760
Fire Up the BladesLyricsJun 26, 20079021
Trial of ChampionsOct 17, 200700
Here Waits Thy DoomLyricsAug 31, 20098320
Anthems for the VictoriousMay 3, 201100
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,861
Reviews : 10,478
Albums : 172,581
Lyrics : 218,449