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Name :  level 2 dimebag22
Date :  2013-12-25 10:02
Hits :  5224

fast 테크니컬 부루탈 밴드 추천 부탁 드려요 ..

origin 이나 brain drill , omnihility 같은 밴드 혹시아시는 분 있으시면추천 좀 부탁 드립니다.omnihility에 뻑가서 짐 정신 없네요 .
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level 3 Sean Kim     2013-12-25 10:18
Suffocation,Hour of Penance 추천
level 19 Mefisto     2013-12-25 11:22
level 2 dimebag22     2013-12-25 13:14
음 ;; 지금 다 소장 하고 있는 밴드네요 ㅋㅋ
level 2 dimebag22     2013-12-25 13:41
제가 원하는건 fast 한 테크닉 데스 메탈 이거든요 ㅋㅋ viremia 같은 밴드 좋음요
level Whatever     2013-12-25 14:47
솔직히 원하시는 스타일에 제대로 부합할지 장담 할 수 없지만 개인적으로 좋아하면서 추천할만한 밴드 및 작품들입니다. 이 중 살짝 데스코어에 치우친 밴드도 몇몇 있습니다.

Abiotic - Symbiosis
Anomalous - Cognitive Dissonance와 Ohmnivalent
Antithesis - Subjugator Of Machine
Arbitrary Element - Process Of Extermination
Arkaik - Reflections Within Dissonance와 Metamorphignition
Atheretic - Apocalyptic Nature Fury
Back Door To Asylum - Akathisia
Beheaded - Never To Dawn
Beheading Machine - Narcobiological Upgrade
Beneath The Massacre - 모든 작품
Burning The Masses - Offspring Of Time
Carnophage - Deformed Future // Genetic Nightmare
Cephalic Carnage - Misled By Certainty
Cerebrum - Spectral Extravagance와 Cosmic Enigma
Cyaegha - Steps Of Descent
Cytotoxin - Plutonium Heaven와 Radiophobia
Decaying Form - Chronicles Of Decimation
Decrepit Birth - 모든 작품
Deeds Of Flesh - Of What's To Come와 Portals To Canaan
Depths Of Hatred - Aversionist
Derelict - Unspoken Words와 Perpetuation
Desecravity - Implicit Obedience
Devast - Art Of Extermination
Devoid Of Grace - Psychotic Journey
Disavowed - Stagnated Existence
Diskreet - Engage The Mechanicality
Dismal Lapse - Eon Fragmentation
Djin - The Era Of Destruction
Domination Through Impurity - Masochist
Dominion - Born God And Aware
Dysmorphic - A Notion Of Causality
Element - Aeons Past
Embryonic Devourment - Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy와 Vivid Interpretations Of The Void
Face Of Oblivion - The Embers Of Man
Flesh Consumed - New Order Of Intelligence와 Ecliptic Dimensions Of Suffering
Godless Truth - Too Late To Stop My Hate
Gorod - 모든 작품
Grotesque - Museum Of Human Disease
Halo Of Gunfire - Conjuring The Damned
Hateprison - Rise Of The Dead
Hedonistic Exility - Deevolutional Stasis
Hiroshima Will Burn - To The Weight Of All Things
Inanimate Existence - Liberation Through Hearing
Incinerate - Anatomize
Inevitable End - The Severed Inception
Inherit Disease - Procreating An Apocalypse와 Visceral Transcendence
Internal Suffering - Awakening of the Rebel
Ion Disruption - Troops Of Eternal War
Irate Architect - Visitors
Kamikabe - Aberration Of Man
Kataplexis - Insurrection와 Downpour
Killharmonic - Human Race Disgrace
Led Astray - In Ways Unforeseen
Logic Of Denial - Necrogenesis와 Atonement
Lord Of War - Celestial Pestilence
Mephistopheles - Sounds Of The End
Mindly Rotten - Proliferation Of Disaster
Monumental Torment - Element Of Chaos
Murder Made God - Irreverence
Murder Therapy - Symmetry Of Delirium
Natrium - Elegy For The Flesh
Nebulous - The Quantum Transcendence Of Death
Neuraxis - Trilateral Progression
Neverending War - Muted
Nonsense Premonition - Communion Of Fears
Oblivion - Called To Rise
Odious Mortem - Cryptic Implosion
Ophidian I - Solvet Saeclum
Prostitute Disfigurement - Descendants Of Depravity
Psycroptic - 모든 작품
Recueil Morbide - Only Hate Left
Recursion - Transcendence In Impermanence
Retaliation - Seven
Rings Of Saturn (당연히 아실거라 생각되는 밴들입니다)
Scrambled Defuncts - Souls Despising The God
Severed Crotch - The Nature Of Entropy
Severed Savior - Servile Insurrection
Sickening Horror - When Landscapes Bled Backwards와 The Dead End Experiment
Slaughterbox - The Ubiquity Of Subjugation
Son Of Aurelius - The Furthest Reaches
Sophicide - Perdition Of The Sublime
Spawn Of Possession - 모든 작품
Spiritual Kaos - Stratagem
Suffereign - Secreted Insanity
Suffocate Bastard - Acts Of Contemporary Violence
Supreme Conception - Liturgy Of Spiritual Disturbance
The Bridal Procession - Astronomical Dimensions
The Faceless - Akeldama와 Planetary Duality
The Last Felony - Aeon of Suffering와 Too Many Humans
The Plasmarifle - While You Were Sleeping The World Changed In An Instant
The Red Chord - 모든 작품, 그 중에서도 특히 Fed Through The Teeth Machine
Through the Eyes Of The Dead - 모든 작품
Truculency - Eviscerate The Paraplegic
Unbirth - Deracinated Celestial Oligarchy
Unbreakable Hatred - Total Chaos
Unhuman - Unhuman
Unmerciful - Unmercifully Beaten
Vale Of Pnath - Prodigal Empire
Vile - The New Age Of Chaos와 Metamorphosis
Viraemia - Viraemia
Visceral Bleeding - Transcend Into Ferocity와 Absorbing The Disarray
Visceral Throne - Omnipotent Asperity
level 2 dimebag22     2013-12-25 16:13
아 대부분 까끌 까끌한 사운드네요 .. 면도날 스러운거 좋아하는데 .. 데스코어적인거 별루 안좋아해서 ㅋㅋㅋ 아는 밴드는 많았지만 그래도 추천 알차네요 ..
level 2 dimebag22     2013-12-25 17:31
mindly rotten , djin , slaughterbox ,retaliation 정말 좋네요 좋은 수확 했습니다. ㅋㅋ
level PHDGom     2013-12-25 19:10
방금 알게 된 밴드로 Aristeia라는 밴드의 신보도 괜찮은듯 합니다!
level 2 dimebag22     2013-12-25 21:54
djent 류는 추천 안해 주셔도 되요 제가 원하는건 노래 시작부터 끝날때까지 계속 손이 빠르고 현란하게 움직이는 그런 노래를 원해요 ..
level 2 dimebag22
  fast 테크니컬 부루탈 밴드 추천 부탁 드려요 .. [9]
14815근 한 6년간 nile만 신나게 빨았는데 .. [4]level 2 dimebag222013-12-295540
fast 테크니컬 부루탈 밴드 추천 부탁 드려요 .. [9]level 2 dimebag222013-12-255225
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Blacksburg 2025-03-25 01:51
Toxic Holocaust 후기 없나요
서태지 2025-03-22 13:46
바다 건너 Mayhem 박스셋 오는 중..ㄷㄱㄷㄱ
amoott 2025-03-22 10:15
들어보니 멜데,스레쉬 색채가 더 강해진듯 하네요
gusco75 2025-03-21 13:13
COF...예약 후 기다리는 중...잔뜩 기대 중입니다~
Peace_sells 2025-03-21 06:26
Cradle of filth 신보가 나왔네요. 좋은듯
AlternativeMetal 2025-03-20 20:24
[뜬금포] 이제 좀 있으면 버스커버스커 벚꽃연금 시즌이네요!
악의꽃 2025-03-06 15:52
바벨과 더블어 "Stranger"의 "Stranger"가 최고의 곡 중 하나라고 생각^^
똘복이 2025-03-06 15:33
바벨탑의 전설 솔로... 진짜 풀피킹에 태핑에 마지막 스윕 피킹 마무리까지... 명곡이죠 ㅠㅠ
앤더스 2025-03-03 17:37
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse 진짜 미친 앨범이로군요!!
차무결 2025-03-01 16:00
7년만에 헤븐 쉘번 듣다