스웨덴출신 블랙메틀밴드 Shining 의 보컬 Kvarforth 자살......
Statement From Shining
23-08-2006 18:33:51
There have been many rumours saying that our front-man, founder Kvarforth is dead, we wish these speculations to be put to an end by telling you what we know:
A couple of days ago, we received a letter from a person very close to Kvarforth telling us that Kvaforth had decided to leave this world behind and also introducing as a kind off last will, a new singer to replace him for future events of Shining.
All that we know for 200% is that Kvarforth has been missing for the past 4 weeks and might be dead we don´t really know for us, the band, this come as no surprise as he have been suffering from extreme anxiety and depressions the past 6 months and some truly extreme things, considering his own personal life, occurred dramatically right before he disappeared. However, we wish to send our deepest regrets to our friend and sadistical leader Kvarforth wherever he might
Kvarforth did as mentioned, involve a new singer in the band without telling us before he left, his name is Ghoul and will be introduced on the release-show we are holding in December. No one of us, the band members have meet him yet but a contact have been established via letter-exchange, and as this was Kvarforth’s own will, we are now officially presenting our newest member, whoever this might be, Ghoul.It shall also be said that both me and the guys in the band have heard Kvarforths wish that Shining should get a new singer if he died or disappeared but we never thought that it would come to this point! But it has so we welcome Ghoul to this misery.
/ Conny, Official Spokesman of Shining
Author: Conny Jarlestal
이상 샤이닝 공식 홈페이지에 게시된 글 http://www.shiningangst.se/
According to the band's official spokesman Kvarforth has supposedly gone missing for the last month and is presumed to be dead. A new vocalist, known only as Ghoul, is said to replace him as Shining's frontman since this was Kvarforth's wish.
Kvarforth was only 14 years old when Submit to Selfdestruction was released.
Shining disbanded in August 2004; but in the end of 2004 supposedly reformed.
Kvarforth is the man behind the label Vicious Recordings. He was also the owner of Selbstmord Services.
Shining's box, The Black Era, was never released.
Upcoming release:
Ett Steg I Helt Fel Riktning EP
이상 메탈어취브에 게시된 글
카바로쓰는 평소에도 우울하고 고뇌에 빠진 삶을 살았던 것 같습니다.그의 그런 생각들이 샤이닝의 음악에 직접적으로 영향을 미친듯 보이구요.그리고 지인에게 자신의 자살을 예고하는 말들을 자주 해왔나 봅니다.자살하기 전에 그를 대신할 보컬리스트인 Ghoul 이라는 인물을 거론했습니다.오직 카바로쓰의 의지로 말이죠.
근데 중요한건 메탈어취브에서 카바로쓰의 자살에 대한 내용이 있나 살펴봤는데 정확히 자살했다고는 나와있지는 않고 "추정된다"(Kvarforth has supposedly gone missing for the last month and is presumed to be dead.)고만 나와 있습니다.제 생각엔 카바로쓰의 자살을 증거할만한 정확한 자료(사체겠죠..)가 없기 때문인듯 합니다.
지난 4주동안(8월23일기준) 카바로쓰가 행방불명인 것으로 보아...또 평소에 그의 암울했던 삶을 돌이켜본다면..또 모든 정황으로 봤을때..
자살했을 가능성이 높다는 겁니다.
참고로 1998년 발매된 샤이닝의 EP 앨범인 Submit to Selfdestruction 를 녹음할때
카바로쓰의 나이가 14살이었다는 부분에서 많이 놀랐습니다.그 어린나이에 자살과 인생에대한 회의감과 인간의 고독과 방황..등등..을 노래하다니..난 그때 12살이었는데..
나는 뭐하면서 살았던건지..
p.s. 샤이닝 참 좋아했는데..홀로 어두운 방안에서...샤이닝의 음악을 들으면서 고독함을 달랬었는데......밴드가 해체한 건 아니지만...카바로쓰가 없는 샤이닝은 상상도 해본적 없던 저에게....그의 죽음은 엄청난 충격이네요..ㅡㅜ
23-08-2006 18:33:51
There have been many rumours saying that our front-man, founder Kvarforth is dead, we wish these speculations to be put to an end by telling you what we know:
A couple of days ago, we received a letter from a person very close to Kvarforth telling us that Kvaforth had decided to leave this world behind and also introducing as a kind off last will, a new singer to replace him for future events of Shining.
All that we know for 200% is that Kvarforth has been missing for the past 4 weeks and might be dead we don´t really know for us, the band, this come as no surprise as he have been suffering from extreme anxiety and depressions the past 6 months and some truly extreme things, considering his own personal life, occurred dramatically right before he disappeared. However, we wish to send our deepest regrets to our friend and sadistical leader Kvarforth wherever he might
Kvarforth did as mentioned, involve a new singer in the band without telling us before he left, his name is Ghoul and will be introduced on the release-show we are holding in December. No one of us, the band members have meet him yet but a contact have been established via letter-exchange, and as this was Kvarforth’s own will, we are now officially presenting our newest member, whoever this might be, Ghoul.It shall also be said that both me and the guys in the band have heard Kvarforths wish that Shining should get a new singer if he died or disappeared but we never thought that it would come to this point! But it has so we welcome Ghoul to this misery.
/ Conny, Official Spokesman of Shining
Author: Conny Jarlestal
이상 샤이닝 공식 홈페이지에 게시된 글 http://www.shiningangst.se/
According to the band's official spokesman Kvarforth has supposedly gone missing for the last month and is presumed to be dead. A new vocalist, known only as Ghoul, is said to replace him as Shining's frontman since this was Kvarforth's wish.
Kvarforth was only 14 years old when Submit to Selfdestruction was released.
Shining disbanded in August 2004; but in the end of 2004 supposedly reformed.
Kvarforth is the man behind the label Vicious Recordings. He was also the owner of Selbstmord Services.
Shining's box, The Black Era, was never released.
Upcoming release:
Ett Steg I Helt Fel Riktning EP
이상 메탈어취브에 게시된 글
카바로쓰는 평소에도 우울하고 고뇌에 빠진 삶을 살았던 것 같습니다.그의 그런 생각들이 샤이닝의 음악에 직접적으로 영향을 미친듯 보이구요.그리고 지인에게 자신의 자살을 예고하는 말들을 자주 해왔나 봅니다.자살하기 전에 그를 대신할 보컬리스트인 Ghoul 이라는 인물을 거론했습니다.오직 카바로쓰의 의지로 말이죠.
근데 중요한건 메탈어취브에서 카바로쓰의 자살에 대한 내용이 있나 살펴봤는데 정확히 자살했다고는 나와있지는 않고 "추정된다"(Kvarforth has supposedly gone missing for the last month and is presumed to be dead.)고만 나와 있습니다.제 생각엔 카바로쓰의 자살을 증거할만한 정확한 자료(사체겠죠..)가 없기 때문인듯 합니다.
지난 4주동안(8월23일기준) 카바로쓰가 행방불명인 것으로 보아...또 평소에 그의 암울했던 삶을 돌이켜본다면..또 모든 정황으로 봤을때..
자살했을 가능성이 높다는 겁니다.
참고로 1998년 발매된 샤이닝의 EP 앨범인 Submit to Selfdestruction 를 녹음할때
카바로쓰의 나이가 14살이었다는 부분에서 많이 놀랐습니다.그 어린나이에 자살과 인생에대한 회의감과 인간의 고독과 방황..등등..을 노래하다니..난 그때 12살이었는데..
나는 뭐하면서 살았던건지..
p.s. 샤이닝 참 좋아했는데..홀로 어두운 방안에서...샤이닝의 음악을 들으면서 고독함을 달랬었는데......밴드가 해체한 건 아니지만...카바로쓰가 없는 샤이닝은 상상도 해본적 없던 저에게....그의 죽음은 엄청난 충격이네요..ㅡㅜ
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