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Doom metal

Stylistic originsHeavy Metal (esp. early 1970s Black Sabbath albums)
Cultural originsEarly to mid 1970s, United Kingdom and United States
Typical instrumentsElectric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocals
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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
SufferanceDoom MetalFrance200
Through the VoidDoom Metal, Stoner MetalUnited Kingdom300
Avon CallingLyricsStoner Metal, Doom MetalUnited Kingdom800
Sathanas TrismegistosBlack Metal, Doom MetalSweden200
Stare at NothingLyricsDoom Metal, Stoner MetalItaly300
DemoDoom Metal, Sludge Metal, GrungeSerbia100
サウナDrone Metal, Doom Metal, NoiseFinland100
ExcaliburDoom Metal, Heavy MetalUnited Kingdom400
Lamentations from the PastHeavy Metal, Doom MetalNetherlands400
The Golden DwarfDoom Metal, Stoner MetalItaly300
Deus ex MachinaLyricsStoner Metal, Doom MetalUnited States300
DownstreamFuneral Doom Metal, AmbientRussia300
The 4th Step to Self​-​DestructionLyricsBlack Metal, Funeral Doom MetalRussia1100
no imageDoom Metal, Sludge MetalMacedonia000
Doom OathDoom MetalUnited States100
Mirage DazeHeavy Metal, Doom MetalUnited States200
Tenebram VobiscumLyricsDeath Metal, Doom MetalMexico100
CovetDoom Metal, Death MetalNorway100
My Beautiful EnemyGothic Metal, Doom Metal, Death MetalPoland500
DysangelistBlack Metal, Funeral Doom Metal, Dark AmbientCyprus300
Soft Glow of Perishing ColdAtmospheric Death Metal, Doom MetalNetherlands200
Hulluuden mandalaDoom Metal, Stoner MetalFinland600
Cult of Occult / Grim Van DoomLyricsDoom Metal, Sludge MetalFrance600
Barren Altar / ArgentavisLyricsBlack Metal, Doom MetalUnited States400
Horror AbsolutoLyricsDoom Metal, Heavy MetalChile400
Oblivion DawnPost-Black Metal, Doom MetalNew Zealand100
In Chaos BecrownedLyricsBlack Metal, Doom MetalNorway100
Мёртвая водаGothic Doom MetalRussia300
AporiaBlack Metal. Doom MetalItaly200
Men Whistle in the TreesBlack Metal, Doom MetalUnited States4200
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,997
Reviews : 10,674
Albums : 176,356
Lyrics : 218,995