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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
SomaBlackened Sludge Metal, Post-MetalFrance200
Hollows Made Homes in Their Sunken CheeksDoom Metal, Sludge MetalUnited Kingdom100
Recrudescent HorrorSludge Metal, Doom MetalUnited States300
Live Fast Die SlowSludge Metal, Death MetalUnited Kingdom200
Satanic Panic AttackStoner Metal, Sludge MetalNorway400
YunProgressive Sludge MetalCanada200
K L P SSludge Metal, Post-MetalSweden300
Obscured into Nebulous DuskDoom Metal, Sludge MetalUnited Kingdom300
folk noiseSludge MetalPoland200
Cattle Hammer's "Methlehem"Drone Metal, Doom Metal, Sludge MetalUnited Kingdom100
Dedicated to Non-ComplianceSludge Metal, Drone Doom Metal, Grindcore, Death MetalUnited States600
Upon Whom the Last Light Descends II : Amnesia IslandProgressive Sludge Metal, Post-MetalUnited States400
Real Eyes / Realize / Real LiesPsychedelic Doom Metal, Sludge MetalGreece100
WhêhSludge Metal, Stoner Metal, Doom MetalFrance100
ArchitectLyricsStoner Metal, Sludge MetalAustria100
Mother TempestStoner Metal, Doom Metal, Sludge MetalMexico200
WitherDeath Doom Metal, Sludge MetalSweden100
OrmstukkenBlack Metal, Sludge Metal, CrustNorway200
War.Noise Rock, Sludge MetalUnited States100
You Could Do It TonightNoise Rock, Pigfuck, Sludge MetalUnited States100
Putrid ObsoleteBlackened Sludge Metal, Crust PunkUnited States100
AegonyStoner Metal, Sludge MetalItaly400
Cabbage BreathSludge Metal, Stoner Metal, Doom MetalUnited States100
Terran FailureSludge Metal, Doom MetalUnited States200
S/TSludge Metal, Post-MetalUnited States100
no imageDeath Doom Metal, Black 'n' Roll, Blackened Death Metal, Industrial Metal, Sludge MetalUnited States000
Suffer the DeceasedAvant-garde, Sludge Metal, GoregrindUnited States1410
BehemothDoom Metal, Sludge MetalUnited States1010
Hart GoreSludge metalDenmark110
Contemplating DeathSludge Metal, Drone Metal, Doom MetalItaly410
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,977
Reviews : 10,671
Albums : 176,285
Lyrics : 218,939