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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
DynamicRodongThrash Metal, Crust Punk, Grindcore Hardcore PunkKorea100
X-Mas MoshDeath Metal, Thrash MetalNetherlands600
...on Chains of DoomThrash Metal, Death MetalSwitzerland600
Guilty as We Were BornThrash MetalGermany300
Mersinary / Rawshock Split EPThrash Metal, Speed MetalUnited States600
AggressionCrossover Thrash MetalUnited States200
no imageDeath Metal, Progressive Thrash Metal, Christian MetalCroatia800
AmethystLyricsChristian Metal, Power Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States400
Som de GuerraChristian Metal, Thrash MetalBrazil200
Havoc at the Midnight HourSpeed Metal, Thrash Metal, Heavy MetalUnited Kingdom200
Inimigo do HomemChristian Metal, Thrash Metal, CrossoverBrazil100
UpgradeLyricsThrash MetalDenmark500
Feast Your EyesThrash Metal, Speed MetalCanada300
Parables of MadnessChristian Metal, Thrash MetalCanada200
Doppelgänger's DeceitHeavy Metal, Thrash MetalJapan200
DepartedThrash Metal, Black MetalJapan100
Eye of the PessimistTechnical Death Metal, Thrash MetalPhilippines100
Ima li života prije smrtiSpeed Metal, Thrash MetalSerbia810
Thrashing InsanityThrash MetalFrance310
Devils in Renewed BirthDeath Metal, Thrash MetalSingapore310
Tellurian RuptureThrash MetalSlovenia200
Coming AgainThrash MetalGermany200
LobotomyThrash MetalGermany100
Suspended Society... Mutilated VarietyThrash MetalJordan200
Heavens AblazeThrash Metal, Christian MetalFinland200
Operation TormentThrash MetalSingapore100
BrawlGroove Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States100
Eye for an EyeLyricsHeavy Metal, Thrash MetalGermany200
Thrash Metal Crazy NightThrash MetalJapan400
Hell is HereThrash MetalBrazil210
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,849
Reviews : 10,649
Albums : 175,897
Lyrics : 218,917