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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Culto aos DecibéisSpeed Metal, Thrash MetalBrazil200
Rites of ExterminationBlack Metal, Thrash Metal, Death MetalSpain100
Unconscious SuicideThrash Metal, Death MetalChile100
Ад На ЗемлеMelodic Death Metal, Thrash MetalUkraine100
Welcome to My HousePower Metal, Thrash MetalDenmark100
An Architecture of Human DesolationDeath Metal, Thrash MetalSweden500
The Sounds of MurdetThrash MetalBulgaria100
Throne of ControlThrash Metal, Groove MetalIndia100
Poison of SorrowTechnical Thrash MetalUkraine100
Awaiting Us AllDeath Metal, Thrash Metal, MetalcoreFrance100
En RouteProgressive Thrash MetalLithuania100
Gangs and VictimsThrash MetalBelgium200
AbsorbedThrash Metal, Power MetalUnited States600
Emerging ExterminationLyricsThrash MetalArgentina500
no imageThrash Metal, Groove MetalUnited States100
Hell Is RealLyricsDeath Metal, Thrash MetalBrazil400
Dogs of AntichristLyricsThrash Metal, Death Metal, Black MetalInternational700
Sacred GatesLyricsThrash MetalBrazil500
FloodDeath Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States1300
Eat It Like It Is (The Anthology)Thrash Metal, HardcoreUnited States900
UrielBlack Metal, Death Metal, Thrash MetalInternational100
None Escape the JudgementGroove Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States500
Donde yacen los falsos profetasThrash MetalChile100
no imageHeavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Hardcore Punk, Hard RockUnited States000
Ordainment of DivinityHardcore Punk, Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States1000
Procession of SoulsThrash MetalBrazil100
2005-2008Thrash Metal, Death Metal, CrustcoreUnited States500
Piles of Human DebrisDeath Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States600
Creature FeatureDeath Metal, Thrash MetalCanada600
Reincarnation of EvilHeavy Metal, Thrash MetalItaly100
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,847
Reviews : 10,478
Albums : 172,532
Lyrics : 218,449