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Thrash Meta

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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
WeapönizerLyricsBlack Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States810
The Metal & Crossover DaysThrash Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited States411
Critical FalloutThrash MetalItaly210
VendettaThrash MetalDenmark310
ResurrectdeadBlack Metal, Death Metal, Thrash MetalCanada210
BlasphēmiaThrash MetalCosta Rica510
Blood on the RustThrash MetalKorea200
No EscapeThrash MetalBelgium500
AnathemaBlack Metal, Thrash MetalJapan110
Doom on YouHeavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed MetalUnited States310
Terror Nuclear / Shadows of ViolenceThrash Metal, Death MetalBrazil510
Ei hauta kysy lupaaDeath Metal, Thrash MetalFinland510
Serpent SeedBlack Metal, Thrash MetalCzech Republic210
Visitations from EnceladusDeath Metal, Technical Thrash MetalUnited Kingdom310
DoppelherzBlack Metal, Death Metal, Thrash MetalSweden610
Devourer of the DeadThrash MetalCanada1110
Kaustic HordesThrash MetalCanada710
Blood Rusted Mother EarthThrash Metal, PsychThrashUnited States110
Hard Times Hanging at the End of the WorldLyricsProgressive Thrash MetalUnited States110
Caelum Et InfernumThrash Metal, Blackened Thrash MetalGreece110
Bestial Occult CeremonyBlack Metal, Thrash MetalBrazil510
Stellar TombBlack Metal, Thrash MetalCanada110
Sinister UpheavalDeath Metal, Thrash MetalGermany110
Forbidden TalesThrash MetalUnited States510
Obscured Until ObservedProgressive Thrash MetalItaly410
Lower Form ResistanceTechnical Thrash Metal, Technical Death MetalCanada110
Slave to the ScytheBlackened Thrash MetalUnited States110
Lepsza byłaby śmierćThrash MetalPoland110
Black Magic FumesThrash Metal, Black Metal, Death MetalChile210
Forces of Nature's TransformationStenchcore, Thrash Metal, D-BeatUnited States110
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,977
Reviews : 10,671
Albums : 176,285
Lyrics : 218,939