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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Lord Vicar / RevelationDoom MetalFinland600
Painful Stories Told With a Passion for LifeLyricsSludge Metal, Doom MetalAustria410
RevenantDoom Metal, Black MetalNew Zealand500
Broken LeafDoom Metal, death metalBelgium110
Ascending in TriumphMelodic Doom Metal, Death MetalSweden210
Vengeful and ObstinateLyricsDoom Metal, death metalUnited States610
When All Became NoneLyricsDoom Metal, Sludge Metal, Black MetalUnited States310
Heaven Is GoneDoom Metal, Heavy Metal, Stoner MetalUnited States100
DuskDoom MetalUnited States510
Sixteen TonsLyricsDoom Metal, Sludge Metal, Stoner MetalUnited States610
Wider than the SkyLyricsDoom MetalUnited Kingdom310
Blood of the DyingDeath Metal, Black Metal, Doom MetalSpain410
Pain/PunishmentFuneral Doom Metal, Black Metal, Thrash Metal, PunkUnited States500
Mourning in the Winter SolsticeDeath Metal, Doom MetalUnited States510
Solace in DecayMelodic Death Metal, Doom MetalUnited States410
MercyHeavy Metal, Doom MetalSweden1110
Revelation & MysteryStoner Metal, Doom MetalGermany200
MysticDark Doom MetalRussia300
Greetings from HellDeath Metal, Doom MetalNetherlands310
TalviDoom Metal, Drone Metal, Ambient, Black MetalRussia400
Farson / (((...)))Drone Metal, Doom MetalIndonesia500
GallowsFuneral Doom Metal, Drone, AmbientCanada211
EngurDoom Metal, Depressive Black MetalIndonesia311
SomaLyricsStoner Metal, Doom MetalUnited States910
Grim Symphony of the NightBlack Metal, Funeral Doom MetalItaly800
Memento MoriBlack Metal, Ambient, Doom Metal, Black MetalItaly400
Man's Last PortraitBlack Metal, Doom Metal, Melodic Death MetalUnited States300
Of Graves, of Worms, and EpitaphsLyricsFuneral Doom Metal, Death MetalInternational611
L'appel du videLyricsProgressive Metal, Doom MetalAustralia410
FeveredDoom Metal, Gothic MetalSweden210
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,776
Reviews : 10,477
Albums : 172,252
Lyrics : 218,435