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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
The Last SeasonDoom MetalMexico800
FlammenreichGothic Metal, Doom MetalGermany300
Vo SkorbyahFolk Funeral Doom MetalRussia100
DeadseaLyricsMelodic Doom Metal, Death MetalUnited States300
Constantly OffLyricsAtmospheric Sludge Metal, Doom Metal, Post-HardcoreUnited States1300
If We Were AliveLyricsDoom MetalUkraine700
MemoriaGothic Metal, Doom MetalRussia1300
Fairytales on a FlowerbedDrone Doom MetalFinland900
BrokenFuneral Doom MetalNetherlands400
SterilityAtmospheric Sludge Metal, Doom MetalUnited States400
NoDeath Metal, Groove Metal, Doom Metal, MetalcoreGermany300
Cauldron of WitcheryDoom MetalUnited Kingdom200
El día que murieron los diosesHeavy Metal, Doom MetalPuerto Rico800
Destination UnknownGothic Metal, Doom MetalFinland300
Celebrate the AgonyDoom MetalGermany400
Thrice as StrongDoom Metal, Hard RockUnited States700
Sirius 12Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Death MetalPoland400
SunflowerStoner Metal, Doom MetalUnited States500
HypnosisLyricsGothic Metal, Doom MetalBrazil1000
On Rituals and Correspondence in Constructed RealitiesBlack Metal, Doom Metal, Gothic MetalFinland100
WhispersLyricsMelodic Death Metal, Doom MetalSweden500
No Darkness, No LightLyricsGothic Metal, Doom MetalItaly800
OccultDoom Metal, Gothic MetalRomania500
Songs of Torment, Songs of JoyHeavy Metal, Doom MetalSweden100
The Dead EndLyricsSludge Metal, Doom MetalSweden500
Psycodelic SteamtrainDoom Metal, Groove MetalNorway100
Avaruuden tyhjyydessäFuneral Doom MetalFinland200
Shades of SorrowMelodic Death Metal, Doom MetalNetherlands500
Der AlteLyricsDoom Metal, Death Metal, Progressive MetalGermany1200
Sole CreationDoom Metal, Sludge MetalSweden400
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,977
Reviews : 10,672
Albums : 176,285
Lyrics : 218,939