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Ladders to Beyond Lyrics

Beast Conjurator - Born from the Darkest Entrails

Born from the Darkest Entrails

GenresDeath Metal
LabelsLuna Nueva
Album rating :  85 / 100
Votes :  2
5. Ladders to Beyond (0:55)
"At the time it was all horribly real, and nothing can ever efface the memory of those nighted crypts and those half-formed shapes of hell that strode gigantically in silence, holding half-eaten things whose still surviving portions screamed for mercy or laughed with madness. Odours of incense and corruption joined in sickening concert, and the black air was alive with the semi-visible bulk of shapeless elemental things with eyes."
H.P. Lovecraft

And in the midst of this holocaust of horror, a cabalistic formula was chanted:

"Gorgo, Mormo, thousand-faced moon, look favourably on our sacrifices
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Beast Conjurator - Born from the Darkest Entrails
Born from the Darkest Entrails - Lyrics
1.  Torment in Darkness Lyrics2.  Fighting in the Depths of Hades Lyrics
3.  Evil Conjurations Lyrics4.  Coven of Doom Lyrics
▶   5.  Ladders to Beyond Lyrics6.  At the Wicked Ceremonial Lyrics
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