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Vlad Tepes / Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust CD Photo
preview  Vlad Tepes / Belketre  –  preview  March to the Black Holocaust (1995)  [Split]
Format : CD
The Black Legions
September 3, 2018
Vlad Tepes / Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Rating :  94.4 / 100
Votes :  12
Album (1995)
GenresBlack Metal
Vlad Tepes (Fra)
1. Wladimir's March (1:38)
2. Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands (4:19)
3. In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness (2:12)
4. Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple (12:20)
5. Dans Notre Chute (0:31)
6. Misery Fear & Storm Hunger (4:10)
7. Diabolical Reaps (3:30)
8. Under the Carpathian Yoke (4:14)

9. Guilty (6:28)
10. A Day Will Dawn (3:25)
11. Hate (3:16)
12. Last Sigh of God (1:58)
13. Night of Sadness (4:10)
14. Despair (2:38)
15. Those of Our Blood (4:01)
16. If We Had... (1:01)
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