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9,660 albums
cover art Artist Album Rating Votes Added by Date
Blinding PathpreviewEmathorpreviewBlinding Path (2012)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2016
The World That DecayedpreviewInsinnerpreviewThe World That Decayed (2014)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2016
BantaigrampreviewLangsuyrpreviewBantaigram (2016)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2016
Live at Planet HollywoodpreviewLangsuyrpreviewLive at Planet Hollywood (2006)  [Video]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2016
Melody LanepreviewUncle Acid and the DeadbeatspreviewMelody Lane (2015)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Waiting for BloodpreviewUncle Acid and the DeadbeatspreviewWaiting for Blood (2015)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Runaway GirlspreviewUncle Acid and the DeadbeatspreviewRunaway Girls (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Mind CrawlerpreviewUncle Acid and the DeadbeatspreviewMind Crawler (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Groak / Lugubrious ChildrenpreviewGroakpreviewGroak / Lugubrious Children (2015)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Masticator EPpreviewGroakpreviewMasticator EP (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Circle of MolesterspreviewGrimepreviewCircle of Molesters (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
DeterioratepreviewGrimepreviewDeteriorate (2013)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
GrimepreviewGrimepreviewGrime (2011)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Fórn / YautjapreviewFórn / YautjapreviewFórn / Yautja (2015)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
WeltschmerzpreviewFórnpreviewWeltschmerz (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Nothing New - 10 Years of Fresh Air EnjoymentpreviewBlack Shape of NexuspreviewNothing New - 10 Years of Fresh Air Enjoyment (2015)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
VIIpreviewBlack Shape of NexuspreviewVII (2015)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
SachsenheimpreviewBlack Shape of NexuspreviewSachsenheim (2015)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Black Shape of Nexus / Lazarus BlackstarpreviewBlack Shape of NexuspreviewBlack Shape of Nexus / Lazarus Blackstar (2014)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
MannheimpreviewBlack Shape of NexuspreviewMannheim (2010)  [Live]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Tapered Limbs of a Human StarpreviewHivelordspreviewTapered Limbs of a Human Star (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Hivelords / Occult 45previewHivelordspreviewHivelords / Occult 45 (2015)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
no imagepreviewHivelordspreviewHivelords // Ardent Vein (2014)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Cavern ApothecarypreviewHivelordspreviewCavern Apothecary (2013)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
Grand CromlechpreviewHivelordspreviewGrand Cromlech (2012)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
The Cellar ScrollspreviewHivelordspreviewThe Cellar Scrolls (2011)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2016
IndisciplinepreviewFestival of MutilationpreviewIndiscipline (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Personal CosmospreviewFestival of MutilationpreviewPersonal Cosmos (2011)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Off the PigspreviewPlutocracypreviewOff the Pigs (2010)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Sniping PigzpreviewPlutocracypreviewSniping Pigz (2000)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Plutocracy / Discordance AxispreviewPlutocracy / Discordance AxispreviewPlutocracy / Discordance Axis (1995)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
PlutocracypreviewPlutocracypreviewPlutocracy (1994)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Dankdaddies / UntitledpreviewPlutocracy / PhobiapreviewDankdaddies / Untitled (1994)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Freedom DeniedpreviewPlutocracypreviewFreedom Denied (1992)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
DankstahzpreviewPlutocracypreviewDankstahz (1992)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
SnitchpreviewPlutocracypreviewSnitch (1991)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Grind Till FreedompreviewPlutocracypreviewGrind Till Freedom (1990)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
976 / Sirota / PlutocracypreviewPlutocracypreview976 / Sirota / Plutocracy (1990)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Plutocracy / AproctouspreviewPlutocracypreviewPlutocracy / Aproctous (1990)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Progress?previewPlutocracypreviewProgress? (1990)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Paragon of the CruciblepreviewFreyapreviewParagon of the Crucible (2013)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
All Hail the EndpreviewFreyapreviewAll Hail the End (2010)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Lift the CursepreviewFreyapreviewLift the Curse (2007)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Hoods / FreyapreviewFreyapreviewHoods / Freya (2004)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
As the Last Light DrainspreviewFreyapreviewAs the Last Light Drains (2003)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
PessimistpreviewAbaddon IncarnatepreviewPessimist (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Agoraphobic Nosebleed / CrompreviewAgoraphobic Nosebleed / CrompreviewAgoraphobic Nosebleed / Crom (2009)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Tribute to Gang GreenpreviewAgoraphobic Nosebleed / ANSpreviewTribute to Gang Green (2010)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
The End of All FleshpreviewNecrospherepreviewThe End of All Flesh (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
Viral RessurectionpreviewNecrospherepreviewViral Ressurection (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 31, 2015
In RuinpreviewCauldronpreviewIn Ruin (2016)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
Live over Lee'spreviewCauldronpreviewLive over Lee's (2014)  [Video]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
Moonlight DesirespreviewCauldronpreviewMoonlight Desires (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
Nightmare over the UKpreviewCauldron / EnforcerpreviewNightmare over the UK (2010)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
no imagepreviewCauldronpreviewLive 7" (2006)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
RevengeancepreviewConanpreviewRevengeance (2016)901level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
Dead DawnpreviewEntombed A.D.previewDead Dawn (2016)651level 17 MKContributorDec 26, 2015
War AgonypreviewGrim VisionpreviewWar Agony (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 25, 2015
With Those Who Favor FirepreviewGrim VisionpreviewWith Those Who Favor Fire (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 25, 2015
Quartering the DoomedpreviewSupreme CarnagepreviewQuartering the Doomed (2013)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 25, 2015
A Masterpiece of ExecutionpreviewSupreme CarnagepreviewA Masterpiece of Execution (2012)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 25, 2015
Column of SkullspreviewSabiendaspreviewColumn of Skulls (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 25, 2015
ArcpreviewAgoraphobic NosebleedpreviewArc (2016)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 2, 2015
观世音 KannonpreviewSunn O)))preview观世音 Kannon (2015)715level 17 MKContributorNov 29, 2015
Pillars of AshpreviewBlack TuskpreviewPillars of Ash (2016)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
Convoluted EnlightenmentpreviewXisForEyespreviewConvoluted Enlightenment (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
Doctrine of ViolencepreviewMörbid VomitpreviewDoctrine of Violence (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
Return to the CryptspreviewMörbid VomitpreviewReturn to the Crypts (2015)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
I Breathe HellpreviewMörbid VomitpreviewI Breathe Hell (2013)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
Demo 2012previewMörbid VomitpreviewDemo 2012 (2012)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
Beyond Your FearspreviewKedjawenpreviewBeyond Your Fears (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
The Beast of EarthpreviewKedjawenpreviewThe Beast of Earth (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
no imagepreviewKedjawenpreviewDajjal Underconstruction (2012)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 21, 2015
ATGCLVLSSCAPpreviewUlverpreviewATGCLVLSSCAP (2016)751level 17 MKContributorNov 18, 2015
Cunts / SlothpreviewSlothpreviewCunts / Sloth (2015)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 18, 2015
no imagepreviewDisgusting CastigationpreviewPromo 2015 (2015)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 17, 2015
The DirectresspreviewBlack QueenpreviewThe Directress (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 17, 2015
Sleepless/DeathwitchpreviewBlack QueenpreviewSleepless/Deathwitch (2015)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 17, 2015
March of the Obsidian TriumviratepreviewBlack QueenpreviewMarch of the Obsidian Triumvirate (2012)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 17, 2015
The AnthropacolypsepreviewBlack QueenpreviewThe Anthropacolypse (2000)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 17, 2015
Witch MetalpreviewBlack QueenpreviewWitch Metal (1999)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 17, 2015
Frightful AbortionpreviewFrightful CrosspreviewFrightful Abortion (1987)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Kehancuran Kaum KafirpreviewInvocationpreviewKehancuran Kaum Kafir (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Hidden Pleasures of a Nonexistent RealitypreviewGreenflypreviewHidden Pleasures of a Nonexistent Reality (2003)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
GlobalizationpreviewGreenflypreviewGlobalization (2002)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Masacre FestpreviewDisgorge / C.A.R.N.E. / Oxidised Razor / SemenpreviewMasacre Fest (2005)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Barefoot & Hungry / Goremassacre PerversitypreviewDisgorge / Cock and Ball TorturepreviewBarefoot & Hungry / Goremassacre Perversity (2001)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Grind Your Head / DisgorgepreviewDisgorge / Squash BowelspreviewGrind Your Head / Disgorge (1998)  [Split]802level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Promo Tape 98previewDisgorgepreviewPromo Tape 98 (1998)  [Demo]901level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Blood and Pus EmanationspreviewDisgorgepreviewBlood and Pus Emanations (1997)  [Demo]951level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Through the InnardspreviewDisgorgepreviewThrough the Innards (1995)  [Demo]951level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Advance Demo 1995previewDisgorgepreviewAdvance Demo 1995 (1995)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Rehearsal 1994previewDisgorgepreviewRehearsal 1994 (1994)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Eternal as TimepreviewShamashpreviewEternal as Time (1999)851level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Behind the SunpreviewShamashpreviewBehind the Sun (1997)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
Souls VortexpreviewHardwarepreviewSouls Vortex (1992)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
HardwarepreviewHardwarepreviewHardware (1990)  [Demo]651level 17 MKContributorNov 14, 2015
PedigreepreviewAnarchuspreviewPedigree (1997)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 13, 2015
QuarrelingpreviewAnarchuspreviewQuarreling (1997)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 13, 2015
Never Ending WarpreviewAnarchuspreviewNever Ending War (1995)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 13, 2015
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,763
Reviews : 10,476
Albums : 172,210
Lyrics : 218,435