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9,660 albums
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Mesrine / Traumatism / NyctophobicpreviewNyctophobic / Mesrine / TraumatismpreviewMesrine / Traumatism / Nyctophobic (2000)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 13, 2015
Eternal Live Hate / Union Live '98previewNyctophobic / Garbage DisposalpreviewEternal Live Hate / Union Live '98 (1999)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Totally Fucking Dead / SterilitypreviewNyctophobic / ExhumedpreviewTotally Fucking Dead / Sterility (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Adv. Tape forpreviewNyctophobicpreviewAdv. Tape for (1998)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Untitled / ¡Escalofriante!previewNyctophobic / Entrails MassacrepreviewUntitled / ¡Escalofriante! (1996)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
War Criminal ViewspreviewNyctophobicpreviewWar Criminal Views (1996)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Four Ways to MiserypreviewNyctophobicpreviewFour Ways to Misery (1995)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Live - MerksplaspreviewNyctophobicpreviewLive - Merksplas (1995)  [Live]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Fur Hurts!previewNyctophobic / Entrails MassacrepreviewFur Hurts! (1995)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Live in PforzheimpreviewNyctophobicpreviewLive in Pforzheim (1995)  [Live]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Negligenced RespectpreviewNyctophobicpreviewNegligenced Respect (1994)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
ObnoxiouspreviewHaemorrhagepreviewObnoxious (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
911 (Emergency Slaughter) / Shit EvolutionpreviewHaemorrhage / Gutalaxpreview911 (Emergency Slaughter) / Shit Evolution (2013)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Sucio PoliciapreviewHaemorrhagepreviewSucio Policia (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
GrindcorepreviewHaemorrhagepreviewGrindcore (2012)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Morgue MetalpreviewHaemorrhage / DisgorgepreviewMorgue Metal (2011)  [Split]87.52level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
no imagepreviewHaemorrhagepreviewDemo 2010 (2010)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Chainsaw Necrotomy / UntitledpreviewHaemorrhagepreviewChainsaw Necrotomy / Untitled (2008)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Haematology: the Singles CollectionpreviewHaemorrhagepreviewHaematology: the Singles Collection (2007)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Live to Dissect / Tufo de Carne DescompuestapreviewHaemorrhagepreviewLive to Dissect / Tufo de Carne Descompuesta (2004)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Visions from the MorguepreviewHaemorrhagepreviewVisions from the Morgue (2004)  [Video]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Dementia RexpreviewHaemorrhage / ImpaledpreviewDementia Rex (2003)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Dawn in the Rotting Czech / ReekpreviewHaemorrhagepreviewDawn in the Rotting Czech / Reek (2001)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
LoathesongspreviewHaemorrhagepreviewLoathesongs (2000)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Haemorrhage / Embolism / Suffocate / ObliteratepreviewHaemorrhage / ObliteratepreviewHaemorrhage / Embolism / Suffocate / Obliterate (2000)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
no imagepreviewHaemorrhagepreviewScalpel, Scissors... and Other Forensic Instruments (2000)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Surgery for the Dead / I Don't Think SopreviewHaemorrhage / GroinchurnpreviewSurgery for the Dead / I Don't Think So (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Untitled / the Cadaverous CarnivalpreviewHaemorrhagepreviewUntitled / the Cadaverous Carnival (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
no imagepreviewHaemorrhagepreviewCreation of Another Future / Untitled (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Promo Tape '98previewHaemorrhagepreviewPromo Tape '98 (1998)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
no imagepreviewHaemorrhagepreviewDamnable / Haemorrhage (1997)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Scapel, Scissors and Other Forensic InstrumentspreviewHaemorrhagepreviewScapel, Scissors and Other Forensic Instruments (1996)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Obnoxious / Thy Horned GodpreviewHaemorrhagepreviewObnoxious / Thy Horned God (1995)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Grotesque EmbryopathologypreviewHaemorrhagepreviewGrotesque Embryopathology (1992)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Coins upon the EyespreviewExhumedpreviewCoins upon the Eyes (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
The Beginning After the EndpreviewExhumedpreviewThe Beginning After the End (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Deceased in the East / Extirpated Live EmanationspreviewExhumed / AbortedpreviewDeceased in the East / Extirpated Live Emanations (2003)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Exhumed / GadgetpreviewExhumed / GadgetpreviewExhumed / Gadget (2001)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Rehearsal 99-00previewExhumedpreviewRehearsal 99-00 (2000)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Pray for War / Tales of the ExhumedpreviewExhumedpreviewPray for War / Tales of the Exhumed (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
no imagepreviewExhumed / Pantalones Abajo MarineropreviewIndignities to the Dead / Lujuria de Chivo (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Instruments of Hell / Protect Yo Neck!previewExhumedpreviewInstruments of Hell / Protect Yo Neck! (1997)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Chords of ChaospreviewExhumedpreviewChords of Chaos (1997)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Zur Stille Finden / Live in the MorguepreviewHaemorrhage / DepressionpreviewZur Stille Finden / Live in the Morgue (2002)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Exhumed / HaemorrhagepreviewExhumed / HaemorrhagepreviewExhumed / Haemorrhage (1995)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Horrific Expulsion of GorepreviewExhumedpreviewHorrific Expulsion of Gore (1994)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Grotesque Putrefied BrainspreviewExhumedpreviewGrotesque Putrefied Brains (1993)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
GoregasmpreviewExhumedpreviewGoregasm (1992)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Excreting InnardspreviewExhumedpreviewExcreting Innards (1992)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Open the AbscesspreviewExhumedpreviewOpen the Abscess (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Xenoglossalgia: the Last Stage of AwarenesspreviewRwakepreviewXenoglossalgia: the Last Stage of Awareness (2015)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
The Revenant KingpreviewVisigothpreviewThe Revenant King (2015)901level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Final SpellpreviewVisigothpreviewFinal Spell (2012)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Follow the DeadlightspreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewFollow the Deadlights (2015)901level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
no imagepreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewBeyond the Veil' Singles and Rarities (2014)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Rise like LionspreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewRise like Lions (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Builders of EmpirespreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewBuilders of Empires (2011)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Black Heart BleedpreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewBlack Heart Bleed (2011)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
The Greater GodpreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewThe Greater God (2009)-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Scarred & UndefeatedpreviewDiablo BoulevardpreviewScarred & Undefeated (2007)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 6, 2015
Piles of Rotting FleshpreviewStages of DecompositionpreviewPiles of Rotting Flesh (2014)1001level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2015
2012 DemopreviewStages of Decompositionpreview2012 Demo (2012)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2015
Stages of DecompositionpreviewStages of DecompositionpreviewStages of Decomposition (2011)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2015
Drowned Through Four Ways of VomitingpreviewBegging For Incest / Extermination Dismemberment / Gutfed / GoreputationpreviewDrowned Through Four Ways of Vomiting (2012)  [Split]751level 17 MKContributorJan 5, 2015
Demo 2008previewCustom Made NoisepreviewDemo 2008 (2008)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
Albert GrindsteinpreviewFoetal JuicepreviewAlbert Grindstein (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
Big Trouble in Little VaginapreviewFoetal JuicepreviewBig Trouble in Little Vagina (2013)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
A Split Worse Than DeathpreviewFoetal Juice / Nailed / Basement Torture KillingspreviewA Split Worse Than Death (2013)  [Split]801level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
no imagepreviewFoetal JuicepreviewBrewkakke (2012)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
Foetal Juice EPpreviewFoetal JuicepreviewFoetal Juice EP (2010)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
Donna KababypreviewFoetal JuicepreviewDonna Kababy (2007)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorJan 2, 2015
The End Is WrittenpreviewDoomocracypreviewThe End Is Written (2014)951level 17 MKContributorJan 1, 2015
Untrodden Corridors of HadespreviewVarathronpreviewUntrodden Corridors of Hades (2014)951level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Old Demons RisepreviewVarathron / Den SaakaldtepreviewOld Demons Rise (2014)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Emissaries of the Darkened Call - Three Nails in the Coffin of HumanitypreviewVarathronpreviewEmissaries of the Darkened Call - Three Nails in the Coffin of Humanity (2012)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Genesis of the Unaltered EvilpreviewVarathronpreviewGenesis of the Unaltered Evil (2012)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
7th GhostpreviewIn Solitudepreview7th Ghost (2009)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
LavenderpreviewIn SolitudepreviewLavender (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Decibel Flexi Series - Mother of MercypreviewIn SolitudepreviewDecibel Flexi Series - Mother of Mercy (2012)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Scene of the CrimepreviewKillWhitneyDeadpreviewScene of the Crime (2006)  [Video]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Suffer My WrathpreviewKillWhitneyDeadpreviewSuffer My Wrath (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Antinomian Praise of DeathpreviewUnholy DeathpreviewAntinomian Praise of Death (2009)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 23, 2014
Pineapples do not belong on a pizzapreviewVargskelethorpreviewPineapples do not belong on a pizza (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 22, 2014
Skeleton MetalpreviewVargskelethorpreviewSkeleton Metal (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 22, 2014
The RevnarokpreviewVargskelethorpreviewThe Revnarok (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 22, 2014
NecropornopreviewMass PsychosispreviewNecroporno (1997)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
FacepreviewMass PsychosispreviewFace (1995)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Goremachine / Vomiting the TrinitypreviewMass Psychosis / ExterminancepreviewGoremachine / Vomiting the Trinity (1993)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
FacepreviewMass PsychosispreviewFace (1993)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
About the Rising StarpreviewKingdom of the LiepreviewAbout the Rising Star (1993)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
no imagepreviewBloody Altarpreview#2 (1992)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
no imagepreviewBloody Altarpreview#1 (1991)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
The Years in DisgustpreviewConscious RotpreviewThe Years in Disgust (2014)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
The SoilpreviewConscious RotpreviewThe Soil (1994)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Death ComespreviewConscious RotpreviewDeath Comes (1993)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Congenital PassivitypreviewConscious RotpreviewCongenital Passivity (1993)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Blood for BloodpreviewConscious RotpreviewBlood for Blood (1993)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Paranoia in the EveningpreviewConscious RotpreviewParanoia in the Evening (1992)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
no imagepreviewConscious RotpreviewP.I.T.E. (1992)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Abstract Principles Taken to Their Logical ExtremespreviewDark HeresypreviewAbstract Principles Taken to Their Logical Extremes (1995)-0level 17 MKContributorDec 21, 2014
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,770
Reviews : 10,477
Albums : 172,237
Lyrics : 218,435