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176 albums
cover art Artist Album Rating Votes Added by Date
Whipping the Sacred LawpreviewInfernalpreviewWhipping the Sacred Law (2000)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Majestic FirepreviewInfernalpreviewMajestic Fire (1999)  [Single]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
The New DawnpreviewInfernalpreviewThe New Dawn (1998)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
A Hymn in the Sinister StormpreviewInfernalpreviewA Hymn in the Sinister Storm (1996)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Rehearsal VideopreviewInfernalpreviewRehearsal Video (2007)  [Video]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
European RitualpreviewInfernalpreviewEuropean Ritual (2003)  [Live]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
no imagepreviewInfernalpreviewAnthological Humiliation (2002)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Ritual HumiliationpreviewInfernalpreviewRitual Humiliation (2001)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
no imagepreviewInfernalpreviewRehearsal Demo 1999 (1999)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Demo 97previewInfernalpreviewDemo 97 (1997)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Drowning in the Chalice of SinpreviewInfernalpreviewDrowning in the Chalice of Sin (1993)851level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Of Weakness and CowardicepreviewInfernalpreviewOf Weakness and Cowardice (1991)  [Single]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Cathedral of DespairpreviewInfernalpreviewCathedral of Despair (1990)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
The First StagepreviewInfernalpreviewThe First Stage (1989)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
The World Is a FreakpreviewBar 7previewThe World Is a Freak (2000)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
no imagepreviewDivine EmpirepreviewMethod of Execution (2005)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
NostradamuspreviewDivine EmpirepreviewNostradamus (2003)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Doomed to InheritpreviewDivine EmpirepreviewDoomed to Inherit (2000)901level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
RedemptionpreviewDivine EmpirepreviewRedemption (1998)902level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
98 DemopreviewDivine Empirepreview98 Demo (1998)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
NucleuspreviewTidfallpreviewNucleus (2003)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Instinct GatepreviewTidfallpreviewInstinct Gate (2002)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Circular SupremacypreviewTidfallpreviewCircular Supremacy (2000)-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Black Psychotic DarknesspreviewTidfallpreviewBlack Psychotic Darkness (1998)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 4, 2011
Saga BelicapreviewCenotaphpreviewSaga Belica (2002)-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
The Last Epic AgepreviewCenotaphpreviewThe Last Epic Age (1998)  [Live]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Epic Rites (9 Epic Tales and Death Rites)previewCenotaphpreviewEpic Rites (9 Epic Tales and Death Rites) (1996)801level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Riding Our Black OceanspreviewCenotaphpreviewRiding Our Black Oceans (1994)651level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
The Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden SorrowspreviewCenotaphpreviewThe Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden Sorrows (1992)91.413level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
The Eternal DisgracepreviewCenotaphpreviewThe Eternal Disgrace (1991)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Promo 1991previewCenotaphpreviewPromo 1991 (1991)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Rise of ExcruciationpreviewCenotaphpreviewRise of Excruciation (1990)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Tenebrous ApparitionspreviewCenotaphpreviewTenebrous Apparitions (1990)  [EP]901level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Eternal DeathpreviewCrown of ThornspreviewEternal Death (1997)87.52level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
The BurningpreviewCrown of ThornspreviewThe Burning (1995)803level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Forget the LightpreviewCrown of ThornspreviewForget the Light (1994)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Forever Heaven GonepreviewCrown of ThornspreviewForever Heaven Gone (1993)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Promo MMVIIIpreviewNight in GalespreviewPromo MMVIII (2008)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Ten Years of TragedypreviewNight in GalespreviewTen Years of Tragedy (2005)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
NecrodynamicpreviewNight in GalespreviewNecrodynamic (2001)-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
NailworkpreviewNight in GalespreviewNailwork (2000)-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
ThunderbeastpreviewNight in GalespreviewThunderbeast (1998)801level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
Towards the TwilightpreviewNight in GalespreviewTowards the Twilight (1997)853level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
RazorpreviewNight in GalespreviewRazor (1996)  [Single]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
SylphlikepreviewNight in GalespreviewSylphlike (1996)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyMay 3, 2011
no imagepreviewLord GorepreviewResickened (2004)82.52level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
no imagepreviewLord GorepreviewThe Autophagous Orgy (2002)802level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
no imagepreviewLord GorepreviewMassive Deconstructive Surger (2000)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Dark Lords of the CystpreviewLord GorepreviewDark Lords of the Cyst (1999)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
DamnationpreviewAbraxaspreviewDamnation (2010)-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Wretched ExistencepreviewAbraxaspreviewWretched Existence (2009)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Outlook: Not So GoodpreviewAbraxaspreviewOutlook: Not So Good (2007)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
ExtremospreviewAbraxaspreviewExtremos (1992)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Legión SubterráneapreviewAbraxaspreviewLegión Subterránea (1991)  [Split]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Live in MemoriampreviewAbraxaspreviewLive in Memoriam (2000)  [Live]851level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
99previewAbraxaspreview99 (1999)901level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Centurie / PropheciespreviewAbraxaspreviewCenturie / Prophecies (1998)-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
no imagepreviewAbraxaspreviewAbraxas (1996)-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Tomorrow's WorldpreviewAbraxaspreviewTomorrow's World (1997)72.52level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
The LiaisonpreviewAbraxaspreviewThe Liaison (1993)951level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
SignspreviewAbraxaspreviewSigns (1991)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Gates to EdenpreviewAbraxaspreviewGates to Eden (1990)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Shattered by a Terrible PredictionpreviewAbraxaspreviewShattered by a Terrible Prediction (1989)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Eye for an EyepreviewTwilightpreviewEye for an Eye (1994)-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Sail AwaypreviewTwilightpreviewSail Away (1994)  [Single]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
The EdgepreviewTwilightpreviewThe Edge (1992)  [Demo]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
PlaypreviewGlory HunterpreviewPlay (2010)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Walls of SilencepreviewGlory HunterpreviewWalls of Silence (1993)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Ulysses, Day TwopreviewGlory HunterpreviewUlysses, Day Two (1998)-0level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Poison WhiskeypreviewLance Of ThrillpreviewPoison Whiskey (1995)801level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
Thrill ShowpreviewLance Of ThrillpreviewThrill Show (1994)801level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
QuestionspreviewTreasure LandpreviewQuestions (1997)901level 3 MajestyApr 29, 2011
American ExcesspreviewSilvertidepreviewAmerican Excess (2003)  [EP]-0level 3 MajestyApr 24, 2011
Show & TellpreviewSilvertidepreviewShow & Tell (2004)902level 3 MajestyApr 24, 2011
Times They Changepreview91 SuitepreviewTimes They Change (2005)88.33level 3 MajestyApr 24, 2011
91 Suitepreview91 Suitepreview91 Suite (2001)88.58level 3 MajestyApr 24, 2011
1 2
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,412
Reviews : 10,770
Albums : 177,487
Lyrics : 219,355