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169 albums
cover art Artist Album Rating Votes Added by Date
Haunts of ViolencepreviewSacramentpreviewHaunts of Violence (1992)-0level 7 ExecutionDec 24, 2014
Presumed DeadpreviewSacramentpreviewPresumed Dead (1989)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 24, 2014
Testimony of ApocalypsepreviewSacramentpreviewTestimony of Apocalypse (1989)-0level 7 ExecutionDec 24, 2014
Put to the SwordpreviewBlind AssassinpreviewPut to the Sword (2014)  [Compilation]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 21, 2014
DemopreviewBlind AssassinpreviewDemo (1986)  [Demo]851level 7 ExecutionDec 21, 2014
AmpeautypreviewPungent StenchpreviewAmpeauty (2004)751level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Masters of Moral - Servants of SinpreviewPungent StenchpreviewMasters of Moral - Servants of Sin (2001)901level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
previewPungent Stenchpreview"Club Mondo Bizarre" for Members Only (1994)81.34level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Been Caught ButteringpreviewPungent StenchpreviewBeen Caught Buttering (1991)83.84level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
For God Your Soul... for Me Your FleshpreviewPungent StenchpreviewFor God Your Soul... for Me Your Flesh (1990)73.84level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Video la MuertepreviewPungent StenchpreviewVideo la Muerte (1993)  [Video]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Loot, Shoot, Electrocute / the Temple of SetpreviewPungent Stench / BenedictionpreviewLoot, Shoot, Electrocute / the Temple of Set (2001)  [Split]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Praise the Names of the Musical AssassinspreviewPungent StenchpreviewPraise the Names of the Musical Assassins (1997)  [Compilation]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Dirty Rhymes and Psychotronic BeatspreviewPungent StenchpreviewDirty Rhymes and Psychotronic Beats (1993)  [EP]901level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
ShisyupreviewPungent StenchpreviewShisyu (1991)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Blood, Pus & Gastric Juice / Confess All GoodnesspreviewPungent Stench / BenedictionpreviewBlood, Pus & Gastric Juice / Confess All Goodness (1990)  [Split]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Extreme DeformitypreviewPungent StenchpreviewExtreme Deformity (1989)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Mucous SecretionpreviewPungent StenchpreviewMucous Secretion (1988)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 11, 2014
Dark Is the FuturepreviewMordorpreviewDark Is the Future (1994)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
And Forget...previewMordorpreviewAnd Forget... (1993)  [Split]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
The Way of NihilismpreviewMordorpreviewThe Way of Nihilism (1993)  [Split]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
Csejthe / OdespreviewMordorpreviewCsejthe / Odes (1992)  [Compilation]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
CsejthepreviewMordorpreviewCsejthe (1992)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
OdespreviewMordorpreviewOdes (1991)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
A Twilight SerenadepreviewChapel of RestpreviewA Twilight Serenade (1994)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
Memorium GriefpreviewChapel of RestpreviewMemorium Grief (1992)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionDec 6, 2014
EcdysispreviewHorrendouspreviewEcdysis (2014)83.36level 7 ExecutionOct 12, 2014
Live at BlokulapreviewSabbatpreviewLive at Blokula (1995)  [Live]953level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
no imagepreviewTerrorpreviewDemo '94 (1994)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Demo 1993previewVisitörpreviewDemo 1993 (1993)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
VisitörpreviewVisitörpreviewVisitör (1993)801level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Demo 1992previewVisitörpreviewDemo 1992 (1992)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Dead OrchestrapreviewDead OrchestrapreviewDead Orchestra (2000)801level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Sounds like Time TastespreviewDead OrchestrapreviewSounds like Time Tastes (1993)751level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Global LobotomypreviewDead OrchestrapreviewGlobal Lobotomy (1992)801level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
DegenerationpreviewDead OrchestrapreviewDegeneration (1989)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
SerpentpreviewCalvary DeathpreviewSerpent (2009)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
CrucialpreviewCalvary DeathpreviewCrucial (2006)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
House of BetsaidapreviewCalvary DeathpreviewHouse of Betsaida (2001)  [Single]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Jesus, Intense WeepingpreviewCalvary DeathpreviewJesus, Intense Weeping (1994)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Sacred with BlessedpreviewCalvary DeathpreviewSacred with Blessed (1993)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Reborn from HellpreviewCalvary DeathpreviewReborn from Hell (1991)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
The Second Side of the Coin ...previewDamnatorypreviewThe Second Side of the Coin ... (2003)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Docta IgnorantiapreviewDamnatorypreviewDocta Ignorantia (1993)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
no imagepreviewDamnatorypreviewIn My Darkest Visions (1991)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Demo 1991previewDamnatorypreviewDemo 1991 (1991)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Hybridized DeformitypreviewDamnatorypreviewHybridized Deformity (1991)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Caput MortuumpreviewSeptic GravepreviewCaput Mortuum (1995)  [EP]601level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Beyond the...previewSeptic GravepreviewBeyond the... (1994)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Chapel of Doom / Rehearsal '91previewHazaelpreviewChapel of Doom / Rehearsal '91 (2009)  [Compilation]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
The Kiss and Other MovementspreviewHazaelpreviewThe Kiss and Other Movements (1998)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
When the Sun Is DeadpreviewHazaelpreviewWhen the Sun Is Dead (1996)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
ThorpreviewHazaelpreviewThor (1994)651level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
ClairvoyancepreviewHazaelpreviewClairvoyance (1992)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Rehearsal '91previewHazaelpreviewRehearsal '91 (1991)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Chapel of DoompreviewHazaelpreviewChapel of Doom (1990)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
Look Behind the MaskpreviewPhalanxpreviewLook Behind the Mask (1998)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
The Judas TouchpreviewPhalanxpreviewThe Judas Touch (1993)801level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
no imagepreviewPhalanxpreviewTowards the Pearly Gates (1991)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
PhalanxpreviewPhalanxpreviewPhalanx (1988)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 26, 2014
As Darkness ReignspreviewProdigypreviewAs Darkness Reigns (1992)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
LycanthropepreviewObscure InfinitypreviewLycanthrope (1995)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Promo 1994previewObscure InfinitypreviewPromo 1994 (1994)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
no imagepreviewObscure InfinitypreviewRequiem (1993)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Beyond the GatepreviewObscure InfinitypreviewBeyond the Gate (1992)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Vol.IpreviewCrab PhobiapreviewVol.I (1989)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
1992 PackagepreviewDeafenpreview1992 Package (1992)  [Single]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
DeafenpreviewDeafenpreviewDeafen (1991)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Violators of the Lost WisdompreviewDeafenpreviewViolators of the Lost Wisdom (1988)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Beyond DeathpreviewDeafenpreviewBeyond Death (1987)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Architecture of the ImaginationpreviewParalysispreviewArchitecture of the Imagination (2000)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
WonderlandpreviewParalysispreviewWonderland (1996)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
VisionspreviewParalysispreviewVisions (1994)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
1992 PackagepreviewParalysispreview1992 Package (1992)  [Split]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Arctic SleeppreviewParalysispreviewArctic Sleep (1991)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Trivial Round of LifepreviewParalysispreviewTrivial Round of Life (1988)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
no imagepreviewParalysispreviewIn State of Shock (1987)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Llueve SangrepreviewLeprosypreviewLlueve Sangre (2013)851level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Tributo a DeathpreviewLeprosypreviewTributo a Death (2010)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Tambores de Fuego!previewLeprosypreviewTambores de Fuego! (2006)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
A Travez de los TiempospreviewLeprosypreviewA Travez de los Tiempos (2004)  [Compilation]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
La MaldicionpreviewLeprosypreviewLa Maldicion (2003)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Devorando SueñospreviewLeprosypreviewDevorando Sueños (2002)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Leprosy En ConciertopreviewLeprosypreviewLeprosy En Concierto (2001)  [Video]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
En Concierto Vol IIpreviewLeprosypreviewEn Concierto Vol II (2001)  [Live]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
En Concierto Vol IpreviewLeprosypreviewEn Concierto Vol I (2001)  [Live]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Rey de las BestiaspreviewLeprosypreviewRey de las Bestias (1999)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Llora ChíapaspreviewLeprosypreviewLlora Chíapas (1998)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Reino MalditopreviewLeprosypreviewReino Maldito (1994)-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
A Symbol of DevotionpreviewDefenderpreviewA Symbol of Devotion (1989)  [EP]82.52level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
Atomic WarpreviewDefenderpreviewAtomic War (1987)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
DefenderpreviewDefenderpreviewDefender (1986)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
no imagepreviewDefenderpreviewDamine (1985)  [Demo]-0level 7 ExecutionAug 25, 2014
EosforospreviewThou Art LordpreviewEosforos (1994)801level 7 ExecutionJul 24, 2014
IncubuspreviewIncubuspreviewIncubus (1989)  [EP]-0level 7 ExecutionJun 26, 2014
Wicked ReichpreviewLeprosypreviewWicked Reich (1991)702level 7 ExecutionJun 18, 2014
मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यानpreviewCult of Firepreviewमृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान (2013)94.228level 7 ExecutionJan 20, 2014
TriumvirátpreviewCult of FirepreviewTriumvirát (2012)95.318level 7 ExecutionJan 20, 2014
20:11previewCult of Firepreview20:11 (2011)  [EP]951level 7 ExecutionJan 20, 2014
Raid for RivergingpreviewRivergepreviewRaid for Riverging (2012)801level 7 ExecutionDec 15, 2013
1 2
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Artists : 47,647
Reviews : 10,468
Albums : 171,753
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