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level 2 Equimanthorn's wish list
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195 albums
Artist Album Release Date Rating
Steeping Corporeal Mess preview Fetid preview Steeping Corporeal Mess Jun 7, 2019
Smells of Death preview Gods Forsaken preview Smells of Death Apr 19, 2019
Fallout Rituals preview Seax preview Fallout Rituals Apr 5, 2019 70
Когда нет троп preview Amber Tears preview Когда нет троп Mar 29, 2019
Break the Silence preview Anodhor preview Break the Silence Feb 22, 2019
The Door to Doom preview Candlemass preview The Door to Doom Feb 22, 2019 92.5
Veritas preview Ethereal Shade preview Veritas Nov 28, 2018
From the Madness of Ixion preview House of Atreus preview From the Madness of Ixion Oct 12, 2018
Idol preview Horrendous preview Idol Sep 28, 2018 87.5
Twisted Prayers preview Gruesome preview Twisted Prayers Jun 1, 2018 83.3
The Blinding Light of Faith preview De Profundis preview The Blinding Light of Faith May 10, 2018 85
Bringers of the Dark Sleep preview Legion of Wolves preview Bringers of the Dark Sleep Jan 19, 2018
Dodekathlon preview Bleeding Gods preview Dodekathlon Jan 12, 2018
Värähtelijä preview Oranssi Pazuzu preview Värähtelijä Feb 26, 2016 93.1
Blind Rage preview Accept preview Blind Rage Aug 15, 2014 85
Era preview Elvenking preview Era Sep 14, 2012 88.6
Circus Colossus preview Leverage preview Circus Colossus Nov 4, 2009 86.7
The Light-Devouring Darkness preview Archgoat preview The Light-Devouring Darkness Feb 7, 2009 93.3
The Codex preview The Codex preview The Codex Nov 9, 2007 66
Burden of Truth preview Circle II Circle preview Burden of Truth Oct 13, 2006 92
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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