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CountryUnited States
GenresHeavy Metal, Hard Rock, Glam Metal
LabelsElektra Records, CMC International Records, Sanctuary Records, Frontiers Records

Dokken Albums Ranked

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RankCover artAlbumRatingVotesReviews 
1Dokken - Beast From the East
(1988)  [Live]
90.8152#22 for 1988
#925 all-time
2Dokken - Back for the Attack
87.4193#31 for 1987
#1,602 all-time
3Dokken - Under Lock and Key
87.2133#21 for 1985
#2,314 all-time
4Dokken - Tooth and Nail
86134#30 for 1984
#2,872 all-time
5Dokken - Erase the Slate
8531#150 for 1999
#6,625 all-time
6Dokken - Breaking the Chains
78.672#45 for 1983
#7,648 all-time
7Dokken - Dysfunctional
72.562#184 for 1995
#8,936 all-time
8Dokken - Broken Bones
7030#324 for 2012
#9,351 all-time
9Dokken - Shadowlife
61.341#222 for 1997
#9,567 all-time
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,114
Reviews : 10,709
Albums : 176,731
Lyrics : 219,007