1993년 랩소디 전신 thundercorss 라이브 ( 루카투릴리 보컬!)
보컬 구하기를 잘했네요 ㅋㅋ
참고로 공홈에 멤버 소개란이 있는데
루카투릴리 소개를 보면
Kundalini yoga (much more than a simple interest and what is allowing him to access and experiment the multidimensional aspect of life on a daily basis), meditation, science, metaphysics, psychology, parapsychology, spiritual evolution
He doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink alcohol. He never owned a mobile phone and is not subscribed to any social network. He is not a party guy and prefers investing the time by reading, studying and exploring the secrets and mysteries of existence. He takes music and his role of composer very seriously and strongly feels the artistic responsibility of spreading a deep and positive heartfelt message through it and his lyrics. The infinite wonders of Creation, the endless beauty of planets and stars and the mystical expressions of Light and Love are his first source of inspiration. His favorite quote is: “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” (Carl G. Jung, 1875-1961)
천재에다가 대단하다고 생각이 듭니다.
술담배 안하고 , 심지어 본인명의의 스마트폰도 없고... 요가 명상에 관심분야도....
존경스럽기까지 하네요 ㅎㅎ
참고로 공홈에 멤버 소개란이 있는데
루카투릴리 소개를 보면
Kundalini yoga (much more than a simple interest and what is allowing him to access and experiment the multidimensional aspect of life on a daily basis), meditation, science, metaphysics, psychology, parapsychology, spiritual evolution
He doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink alcohol. He never owned a mobile phone and is not subscribed to any social network. He is not a party guy and prefers investing the time by reading, studying and exploring the secrets and mysteries of existence. He takes music and his role of composer very seriously and strongly feels the artistic responsibility of spreading a deep and positive heartfelt message through it and his lyrics. The infinite wonders of Creation, the endless beauty of planets and stars and the mystical expressions of Light and Love are his first source of inspiration. His favorite quote is: “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” (Carl G. Jung, 1875-1961)
천재에다가 대단하다고 생각이 듭니다.
술담배 안하고 , 심지어 본인명의의 스마트폰도 없고... 요가 명상에 관심분야도....
존경스럽기까지 하네요 ㅎㅎ
희귀 영상이군요ㅋㅋㅋ 루카가 보컬을 하던 때가 있었다니... 근데 루카가 지금도 천재성을 발휘하는데는 이유가 있었네요.. 술담배 안하고 요가한다니... 근데 개인명의 휴대폰도 없는건 의외네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ | ||
빠비오 데려온게 신의 한수네요 ㄷㄷ | ||
루카형님 기타 짧게 매고 흔들흔들하는 폼은 30년 전부터 그대로였군요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ | ||
보컬을 제대로 구한건 확실히 신의 한수네요. 감마레이에서의 카이 한젠처럼 보컬 자리 까지도 탐냈으면 지금의 자리에 과연 와있을지... | ||
쿤달리니 요가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ | ||
▶ 1993년 랩소디 전신 thundercorss 라이브 ( 루카투릴리 보컬!) [5]
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