Deepcold가 추천하는 2017 각 장르별 잘 안알려진 수작 1개씩
The Ominous Circle - Appalling Ascension
Archspire - Relentless Mutation
Nightbringer - Terra damnata
Progenie Terrestre Pura - oltreLuna
Wormwood - Ghostlands - Wounds from a Bleeding Earth
Chelsea Wolfe - His spun
Blazon Stone - Down in the Dark
Iced Earth - Incorruptible
Zornheym - The Opposed
Warbringer - Woe to the Vanquished
Voyager - Ghost Mile
Cormorant - Disapora
Below - Upon a Pale Horse
Nokturnal Mortum - Істина / Verity
Widek - Hidden Dimensions
Subterranean Masquerade - Vagabond
Aeternam - Ruins of Empires
The Ominous Circle - Appalling Ascension
Archspire - Relentless Mutation
Nightbringer - Terra damnata
Progenie Terrestre Pura - oltreLuna
Wormwood - Ghostlands - Wounds from a Bleeding Earth
Chelsea Wolfe - His spun
Blazon Stone - Down in the Dark
Iced Earth - Incorruptible
Zornheym - The Opposed
Warbringer - Woe to the Vanquished
Voyager - Ghost Mile
Cormorant - Disapora
Below - Upon a Pale Horse
Nokturnal Mortum - Істина / Verity
Widek - Hidden Dimensions
Subterranean Masquerade - Vagabond
Aeternam - Ruins of Empires
[Extreme-Prog] 부분 앨범 제목이랑 아티스트명 잘못 쓰신건가요? | ||
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대부분 좋게 들었던 것들이네요. 올해도 작년처럼 연말에 올해 발매작들로 리스트를 만들어볼 예정입니다. | ||
Cormorant 전집 주문했는데 기대됩니다 | ||
warbringer 이번앨범 진짜 즐겨듣고있었는데 역시나 있었네요 ㅎㅎ | ||
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