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Hardcore Pun

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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
The Lost Chapters, Volume 2LyricsMetalcore, Hardcore PunkUnited States400
no imageHeavy Metal, Sludge Metal, Thrash Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited States000
no imageGrindcore, Jazzcore, Industrial Metal, Hardcore Punk, ElectronicaUnited Kingdom000
no imageDeath Metal, Grindcore, Heavy Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited Kingdom000
no imageCrossover Thrash, Grindcore, Hardcore Punk, Death Metal, Black MetalUnited States000
Bili smo ponosni ratniciThrash Metal, Hardcore PunkSerbia100
ZungeLyricsIndustrial Metal, Heavy Metal, Punk Rock, Hardcore PunkGermany100
no imageMathcore, Hardcore Punk, Metalcore, Indie Rock, Experimental RockUnited States000
Living by LawCrossover Thrash, Hardcore Punk, Crust Punk, Death MetalUnited States300
The Blood of Thine EnemiesMetalcore, Mathcore, Hardcore Punk, AmbientUnited States100
DirgeDeath Metal, Black Metal, Hardcore PunkRussia200
no imageThrash Metal, Crossover Thrash, Hardcore Punk, MetalcoreUnited States000
no imageDeath Metal, Grindcore, Thrash Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited States000
La ilden lyseHardcore Punk, Black MetalNorway300
Anti-Colonial Vol. 1LyricsHardcore Punk, Crossover ThrashDominican Republic300
no imageThrash Metal, Crossover Thrash, Hardcore PunkUnited States000
Era of DoomBlack Metal, Speed Metal, Hardcore PunkChile100
Organon / BicheSludge Metal, Doom Metal, Hardcore PunkFrance200
HateHardcore PunkNorway200
Queen of CumshotsHardcore Punk, Black MetalItaly200
Black Aria IILyricsHeavy Metal, Hard Rock, Blues Rock, Hardcore Punk, Punk Rock, Neoclassical DarkwaveUnited States200
Unholy NeckbreakerThrash Metal, Crossover Thrash, Hardcore PunkCanada300
Killer TapeBeatdown Metalcore, Hardcore PunkUnited Kingdom100
no imageCrossover Thrash, Hardcore Punk, Heavy MetalUnited States000
Use My KnifeDeath Metal, Hardcore PunkJapan200
ErebosLyricsDeath Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited Kingdom600
6-DTC / PromoDeath Metal, Thrash Metal, Hardcore PunkFrance100
Only Death Is CertainLyricsDeath Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited States300
no imageSludge Metal, Grunge, Hardcore Punk, Doom MetalUnited States000
no imageDeath Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited States000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,121
Reviews : 10,373
Albums : 169,327
Lyrics : 218,021