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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Dance With MePop Metal, Hard Rock, Jazz FusionKorea100
TimeProgressive Metal, Jazz FusionGermany410
Shadows of the PastJazz, RockUnited States410
The CoreTechnical Death Metal, Jazz FusionRomania110
Making FacesProgressive Metal, Jazz FusionUnited States110
Spontaneous CombustionProgressive Metal, Progressive Rock, Jazz FusionUnited States120
AmbivalenceProgressive Metal, Jazz Fusion, AmbidjentPortugal110
Eager to PleaseGrindcore, Jazz, SkaGermany1110
Buried SecretsAvant-garde Jazz, GrindcoreUnited States240
Moral InjuryLyricsAvant-garde Metal, Experimental JazzUnited States310
The Astral FactorProgressive Rock, Jazz MetalSweden100
False PoetryProgressive Metal, Jazz FusionNetherlands400
KrasTechnical Death Metal, Folk, JazzCzech Republic800
Ars et DoctrinaBlack Metal, Jazz, ClassicalItaly100
0 + 1 = 01Grindcore, JazzFinland700
CharivariRaw Black Metal, Noise, Avant-garde JazzGermany100
ExhivisionProgessive Rock, Progessive Metal, Jazz FusionJapan300
En la AgitacionProgressive Rock, Progressive Metal, Jazz Fusion, AmbientChile100
Neural CodeProgressive Metal, Jazz FusionBrazil100
LodeStar Dynasty: the InstrumentalProgressive Metal, Ambient, Djent, JazzUnited States200
RevitalizedProgressive Metal, Mathcore, Technical Death Metal, Metalcore, Jazz FusionUnited States200
HeïaAmbidjent, Jazz FusionFrance200
RetrogressionProgressive Metal, Experimental Metal, Jazz Fusion, MetalcoreRussia100
Stimpy LockjawJazz Fusion, Progressive MetalUnited States100
The Wild BeyondProgressive Metal, Space Rock, Jazz FusionUnited States100
Falling SkiesProgressive Metal, Jazz FusionEstonia100
WeltenProgressive Metal, Jazz Metal, Avant-gard Metal, AmbientGermany100
The PythonessLyricsBlackened Sludge Metal, JazzUnited States300
ThalassasProgressive Metal, Jazz FusionUnited States100
RiseLyricsProgressive Metal, Djent, Jazz Fusion, Funk MetalUnited States200
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Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,043
Reviews : 10,692
Albums : 176,521
Lyrics : 219,001