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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Promo - Ensayo MMXIDeath Metal, Black Metal, NoisePeru100
Frowst in There MindsGrindcore, Noise, Death MetalPoland100
Forth to the Fight...Industrial Doom Metal, Sludge Metal, NoiseIreland200
TapeBlack Metal, Noise RockIreland300
That's What the Obituary Said / Ten SuicidesSludge Metal, Doom Metal, Noise, Spoken Word, Ambient, Industrial Metal, Hardcore PunkUnited States100
Primer Mutilacion: La Invocacion de la BestiaDeath Metal, Grindcore, NoiseArgentina200
Black ShoalsIndustrial Black Metal, NoiseUnited Kingdom100
BarschIndustrial Black Metal, NoiseJapan200
Maurerische TrauerdrohneDrone Metal, Doom Metal, NoiseInternational200
Caveman WorshipDrone Metal, Doom Metal, NoiseRussia1800
Apokalyptik AIDSIndustrial Noise, Blackened Drone Metal, Funeral Doom MetalNetherlands100
KonyecGrindcore, NoiseHungary500
Broder / Urr ‎Drone Metal, Doom Metal, NoiseDenmark300
AltitudeStoner Metal, Doom Metal, Noise RockDenmark400
Smoke MastersStoner Metal, Doom Metal, NoisePhilippines200
Obras Satíricas Del 6° Círculo Infernal Del Más Allá Habitado Por Híbridos Seres Misántropos Asexuados Danzando Y Dándose Por El CuloGoregrind, NoiseUruguay200
no imageGorenoiseUruguay200
LithotomeDeath Metal, Doom Metal, NoiseUnited States100
Disease Spreading Land (Live)Grindcore, Noise, Crust PunkTunisia300
Water Torture​ /​ thedowngoingGrindcore, NoiseUnited States300
Brutal BluesExperimental Grindcore, NoiseNorway100
no imageRaw Black Metal, NoiseFrance6100
Carry on the Black FlameLyricsBlack Metal, Punk, NoiseCanada600
Infernal Necrocult LegionsBlack Metal, Noise, GrindcoreBrazil1000
no imageGorenoiseCanada400
no imageDoom Metal, Dark Ambient, NoisePortugal100
Soap ScumCybergrind, Black Metal, NoisecoreUnited Kingdom100
no imageBlack Metal, NoiseInternational000
MonochromeRaw Black Metal, NoiseFrance100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,357
Reviews : 10,764
Albums : 177,331
Lyrics : 219,184