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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Twelve MinutesBlack Metal, Post-PunkAustralia200
Never Comes the StormBlack Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Crust PunkUnited States400
Digital Evil in Your LifeCrossover Thrash, Crust PunkJapan700
Embracing the Shroud of a Blackened SkyDoom Metal, Sludge Metal, Black Metal, Crust Punk, Hardcore PunkUnited States400
ThresholdLyricsGrindcore, Hardcore Punk, Crust PunkUnited States1200
back to workHardcore PunkIndonesia100
Peräaukko sivistyksessäLyricsSpeed Metal, PunkFinland400
The Thing with Two HeadsLyricsSpeed Metal, Thrash Metal, Hardcore PunkInternational100
Great Punk HitsHeavy Metal, PunkJapan300
Demo IBlack Metal, PunkInternational100
4 Songs EPBlack Metal, PunkUnited States300
Tomb of Broken SleepGrindcore, PunkUnited States700
In Punk We ThrashHardcore Punk, Speed Metal, Thrash Metal, PunkMexico200
Choppers, D-beat and SatanBlack Metal, Speed Metal, PunkFrance100
Fail to Feel SafeHardcore Punk, Sludge MetalUnited States1200
This Is My Fxxcking Answer!!LyricsMetalcore, PunkChina100
Sakura FubukiHeavy Metal, PunkBrazil400
WhoreHoleSludge Metal, Doom Metal, Hardcore PunkFrance100
Devouring GhostBlack Metal, Punk, AmbientUnited States100
Crooked CrossBlack Metal, Noise, PunkUnited States100
Black BeastsBlack Metal, PunkUnited States300
FurdidurkeBlack Metal, PunkUnited States600
Bad IntentionsRaw Black Metal, Punk, HardcoreDenmark200
Ancient Emblem / HongoBlack Metal, Crust PunkSpain200
Musta luontoBlack Metal, Crust PunkFinland100
Regress FFHeavy Metal, PunkNorway100
no imageMetalcore, Hardcore PunkSweden000
no imageMetalcore, Hardcore PunkThailand600
no imageMetalcore, Hardcore PunkThailand600
แค่ฝันPost-Hardcore, Punk, RockThailand200
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,357
Reviews : 10,763
Albums : 177,331
Lyrics : 219,184