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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
no imageBlack Metal, Thrash Metal, Blackend Death MetalNorway000
no imageMelodic Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Blackened Death MetalFrance000
Chasing EuphoriaMelodic Death Metal, Power Metal, Thrash MetalCanada200
Black ArtsLyricsBlackened Thrash MetalGermany100
History of TomorrowThrash MetalGermany100
Scarred for LifeLyricsThrash MetalUnited Kingdom1200
Grind Textural AbstractionIndustrial/Progressive/Thrash MetalUnited States100
EvolutionLyricsGroove Thrash Metal, MetalcoreUnited Kingdom600
no imageHeavy/Thrash MetalJapan000
The VialHeavy/Thrash/Death MetalGermany100
MultiverseProgressive Thrash MetalItaly200
Head Turns First, Eyes Follow​.​.Crossover Thrash MetalFinland500
Dropdead 2020Thrashcore, Powerviolence, Crust Punk, Hardcore Punk, D-BeatUnited States200
InexorableDeath Metal, Thrash MetalAustria300
no imageThrash MetalMexico100
Open FireHeavy Metal, Power Metal, Thrash MetalCanada300
no imageBlack Metal, Thrash MetalMexico200
no imageDeath Metal, Thrash MetalDenmark000
ExeleratePower Metal, Thrash MetalDenmark200
no imageThrash MetalPeru000
no imageThrash MetalUnited States000
Revival FiresThrash MetalUnited States200
BeyondLyricsMelodic Death Metal, Groove Thrash MetalUnited States100
no imageHardcore Punk, Crossover ThrashUnited States000
no imageThrash Metal, Death MetalBrazil000
no imageCrossover Thrash, Hardcore PunkUnited States000
no imageThrash MetalUnited States000
no imageCrossover ThrashUnited States000
no imageCrossover Thrash, Beatdown HardcoreUnited States000
no imageCrossover ThrashUnited States000
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,045
Reviews : 10,692
Albums : 176,535
Lyrics : 219,001