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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of DeathHeavy MetalBrazil250
Venerari Sacra MysteriaBlack Metal, Death MetalUnited States541
Human DeviceLyricsPower MetalSpain260
LeereLyricsBlack MetalGermany1221
Tear of IllusionsThrash Metal, Metalcore, Groove MetalJapan2160
Give 'Em HellLyricsHeavy Metal, NWOBHMUnited Kingdom670
Burning FieldsLyricsBrutal Death Metal, GrindcoreBulgaria960
GudsforladtLyricsBlack Metal, Funeral Doom MetalDenmark1152
¿Dónde está la luz?LyricsPower Metal, Heavy MetalSpain1360
Resolve in CrimsonLyricsMelodic Death MetalFrance1150
LichtschleierLyricsDark Ambient, Black MetalGermany6041
Ancient Glacial ResurgenceLyricsBlack MetalUnited States550
Bloody MelancholyBlack MetalCzech Republic140
A Determinism of MoralityAtmospheric Sludge Metal, Post-MetalUnited States1060
Ubi Secreta ColuntLyricsBlack Metal, Funeral Doom MetalItaly341
Back from the AbyssLyricsStoner Metal, Stoner RockUnited Kingdom1480
MalignantLyricsBlack MetalSweden550
SkaurLyricsBlack MetalNorway1652
IV: an Arrow in HeartLyricsBlack MetalFrance1563
IIIILyricsBlack MetalGermany650
EntitiesLyricsThrash Metal, Melodic Death MetalUnited Kingdom750
Starving the VulturesLyricsBrutal Death Metal, GrindcoreUnited States850
Reflection of a Bleak MindBlack MetalGermany440
LightLyricsProgressive Doom MetalSweden740
The Cure for HappinessGothic Metal, Doom MetalCroatia650
SandpaperLyricsHeavy MetalUnited States1681
Chained to the NiteLyricsHeavy MetalCanada1040
AnteinfernoLyricsPower MetalFinland660
Sinister SlaughterLyricsDeath Metal, Grindcore, Thrash MetalUnited States1870
SpleneticLyricsTechnical Death Metal, Progressive MetalLatvia641
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,044
Reviews : 10,692
Albums : 176,533
Lyrics : 219,001