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All Glory Be to God on High Lyrics

Gory SDG - Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
LabelsColeiosis Records
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9. All Glory Be to God on High (4:49)
All glory be to God on high
Who hath our race befriended
To us no harm shall now come nigh
The strife at last is ended

God showeth His goodwill to men
And peace shall reign on earth again
O thank Him for His goodness

We praise, we worship Thee, we trust
And give Thee thanks forever
O Father, that Thy rule is just
And wise, and changes never

Thy boundless grace o'er all things reigns
Thou dost whate'er Thy will ordains
'Tis well Thou art our Ruler

O Jesus Christ, our God and Lord
Begotten of the Father
O Thou who hast our peace restored
And the lost sheep dost gather

Thou Lamb of God, enthroned on high
Behold our need and hear our cry
Have mercy on us, Jesus

O Holy Spirit, precious Gift
Thou comforter unfailing
Do Thou our troubled souls uplift
Against the foe prevailing

Avert our woes and claim our dread
For us the Savior's blood was shed
Do Thou in faith sustain us

All glory be to God on high
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