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FanaT1C (feat. T.Boots, Eundong Lee, GYU, JayKim of Liberalia) Lyrics

john0 - Rebell10n 1n neVeRland

Rebell10n 1n neVeRland

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
LabelsIR Entertainment
Album rating : 
Votes :  0
12. FanaT1C (feat. T.Boots, Eundong Lee, GYU, JayKim of Liberalia) (11:23)
Track rating :  95 / 100       Votes :  1       [ ]
1n THe RealM oF THe Mundane, He waS boRn,
a SPaRK 1n THe daRK, a new dawn'S MoRn
w1TH dReaMS laRGeR THan l1Fe, and a HeaRT So VaST,
He Vowed To MaKe H1S MaRK, To bReaK FRoM THe PaST

eVeRY STeP, a TeSTaMenT, To H1S undY1nG w1ll,
Cl1Mb1nG MounTa1nS, CRoSS1nG SeaS, neVeR STand1nG ST1ll
1n THe FaCe oF adVeRS1TY, H1S SP1R1T neVeR bendS,
FoR He KnowS aT THe jouRneY'S end, a leGaCY He SendS

wH1SPeRS oF doubT, SHadowS THaT luRK,
CHallenGeS R1Se, buT H1S ReSolVe won'T SH1RK
eCHoeS oF PaST, and FuTuReS unKnown,
He STandS undeTeRRed, H1S PuRPoSe HaS GRown

a FanaT1C 1n H1S queST, w1TH a F1Re THaT won'T ReST,
CHaS1nG dReaMS, bReaK1nG SeaMS, PuTT1nG H1MSelF To THe TeST

THe woRld MaY MoCK, and CR1T1CS MaY jeeR,
buT H1S V1S1on 1S CleaR, and He HoldS 1T deaR
w1TH eVeRY Fall, He R1SeS anew,
w1TH eVeRY CHallenGe, H1S V1GoR GRew

S1lenT MoMenTS, 1nTRoSPeCT1on deeP,
PRoM1SeS To H1MSelF, He'S deST1ned To KeeP

wH1SPeRS oF doubT, SHadowS THaT luRK,
CHallenGeS R1Se, buT H1S ReSolVe won'T SH1RK
eCHoeS oF PaST, and FuTuReS unKnown,
He STandS undeTeRRed, H1S PuRPoSe HaS GRown

a FanaT1C 1n H1S queST, w1TH a F1Re THaT won'T ReST,
CHaS1nG dReaMS, bReaK1nG SeaMS, PuTT1nG H1MSelF To THe TeST

no MounTa1n Too H1GH, no ValleY Too deeP,
w1TH FeRVoR and Fa1TH, H1S PRoM1Se He'll KeeP
THRouGH TeMPeSTS and SToRMS, H1S PaTH He w1ll TRead,
w1TH unwaVeR1nG SP1R1T, wHeRe dReaMS HaVe led

THe woRld waTCHeS on, aS He CaRVeS H1S own waY,
a FanaT1C 1n SP1R1T, CoMe wHaT MaY
leGendS w1ll SPeaK, oF H1S undY1nG FlaMe,
a FoRCe unY1eld1nG, a naMe w1THouT SHaMe

FoR 1n H1S HeaRT, a F1Re doeS buRn,
a PaSS1on unend1nG, a Soul THaT YeaRnS
eCHoeS oF old, TaleS YeT To unFold,
w1TH SToR1eS oF ValoR, and leGendS ReTold

wH1SPeRS oF doubT, SHadowS THaT luRK,
CHallenGeS R1Se, buT H1S ReSolVe won'T SH1RK
eCHoeS oF PaST, and FuTuReS unKnown,
He STandS undeTeRRed, H1S PuRPoSe HaS GRown

a FanaT1C 1n H1S queST, w1TH a F1Re THaT won'T ReST,
CHaS1nG dReaMS, bReaK1nG SeaMS, PuTT1nG H1MSelF To THe TeST

and aS THe Sun SeTS, on TH1S CHaPTeR So GRand,
He STandS ReSoluTe, w1TH THe FuTuRe 1n Hand

w1TH eVeRY SHadow CaST, a new l1GHT doeS GleaM,
1n THe FanaT1C'S HeaRT, wHeRe dReaMS ConT1nue To TeeM

FoR THe FanaT1C'S jouRneY, 1T 1S neVeR qu1Te done,
w1TH HoPe 1n H1S HeaRT, He FaCeS THe Sun

eMbRaC1nG THe unKnown, w1TH CouRaGe and GRaCe,
He STePS 1nTo ToMoRRow, a new RaCe To eMbRaCe
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Added by level 2 john0_libir
john0 - Rebell10n 1n neVeRland
Rebell10n 1n neVeRland - Album Credits
  • john0 : Lyrics, Songwriting, Vocals, Drums, Guiars, Bass, Synthesizer
Additional musicians
  • Yongjai O : Guitars (track 3)
  • Gterang : Guitars (tracks 4, 9)
  • JayKim : Vocals, Songwriting (tracks 6, 12), Lyrics (track 12)
  • T.Boots : Guitas (tracks 6, 7, 12)
  • Eundong Lee : Guitars (track 12)
  • GYU : Guitars (track 12)
Other staff
  • john0 : Exective Producer, Recording, Mixing, Mastering Engineer, Cover Art
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