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Username Frosty093   (number: 26457)
Name (Nick) Frosty093
Average of Ratings 84.4  (8 albums)   [ Rating detail ]
Join Date May 29, 2024 21:09 Last Login July 8, 2024 08:12
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previewThou Art ThatMetal, Grindcore, Doom, Stoner Grind, Anarchist Doom, Minimalist Grind, Extreme Metal, Psychedelic CrustUnited States00May 29, 2024
Albums added by Frosty093
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preview  Subsanity preview  Subsanity - Rare and Unreleased (2014)  [EP] 90/100    May 30, 2024
no image Band line-up: Mike-voice, Brad-drums, Timmy-bass, Greenaway-1st guitar, Arnette-other guitar.

There's nothing rare about this material nor unreleased. It's all been released before - officially with all performers knowledge & consent. Most tracks are all from 1999 Future Is War album, while the last two were from 1996 Lost On Earth EP.

1st track Why Waste Time by Timmy & Brad. Future Is War by Greenaway & Brad. 2d track Capitalist Disease by Brad & Mike.(Songs hidden in Track 3 are: Rat Piss by Timmy, Brad & Mike. Shit Continues by Brad & Timmy. Faust Aleph Null by Brad.) Track 3 Final Conquest by DJ, Brad, Mike. Track 4 by DJ, Greenaway, Brad.

This is a comp, a re-release of material written from 1995-1998 and recorded 1996-1999. This re-release does not credit the actual songwr ... See More
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preview  Subsanity preview  Future Is War (1999) 100/100    May 30, 2024
Future Is War Considered by many to be the band's last official recording before it self-imploded & never re-organised again with any amount of stability, this is the final swan song of a legendary, yet very obscure band that always teetered on self-destruction, but attained well-earned respect by its peers. For as obscure as this band was, it was recognized as an explosive fire-storm of sound that challenged its audiences while they played with far more recognized national & international acts. Other musicians enjoyed playing with them while also feeling threatened by its violence & scared by its power. No way could this band touch anything like Beethoven or Bach, but it wasn't about that. This band is a product of late-stage capitalist corporate fascism, so it isn't brilliant like any classical master ... See More
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preview  Subsanity preview  Human Is Shit (1997)  [EP] 100/100    May 30, 2024
Human Is Shit Highly regarded as a definitive album by this particular line-up, the material has been called scary & dangerous by other musicians. The recording took place late at night & the band members were tired from moving into a new rehearsal house, but the band's tightness & knowledge of their own material overshadows any mistakes. It was engineered by a guy known only as Ed in his own studio, and the sound captures the band's live sound more authentically than anything done before. This line-up went for a towering wall of sound that could not be ignored & would not allow itself to be background noise while others talked over it, whether on stage or in the rehearsal space. This material is like an out of control tank, boiling over & spewing everything in every direction, leaving no one & nothing ... See More
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preview  Subsanity preview  Lost on Earth (1996)  [EP] 85/100    May 30, 2024
Lost on Earth Recorded over Halloween, the sound engineering is sub-par & uses triggers at the sound engineer's insistence, which the band protested against. The triggers went off randomly, screwing up the beats per minute & they also were clicky & just didn't sound good, providing an inauthentic sound that the band didn't sound like live. The guitars were also divided, and that kind of separation of sound is not what the band sounded like since they went for a wall of blended sound.

This EP features a re-recording of Final Conquest which was originally recorded with transitional line-up that included DJ on guitar & Neill on bass in 1995 for the Psycho Dubs cassette release. The original version of the song is more crust-punk, while this version of it has all the crust taken out of it & is more Meta ... See More
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preview  Subsanity preview  Post-Apocalyptic Doom Attack (1996) 90/100    May 30, 2024
Post-Apocalyptic Doom Attack Line-up: Mike-voice, Brad-drums, Neill-bass, DJ-1st guitar & bass, Arnette-other guitar.
Former band members featured are founding drummer Shane, guitarist Roger & bassist Neill.
Collected 7 inches with various producers & studios compiled into a full-length cassette self-release (see above pic), later picked up by Wild Rags as their actual last release before the label went broke due to incarceration of label owner - making their CD version of the release very rare. This was the last release ever by Wild Rags. The circumstances stiffed the band, so they had to self release it on their own label again. The Wild Rags release was in a jewel-case with high quality slick card stock for the inlay, and the album title was added to the cover art, which remained with later releases. Only the ori ... See More
Logic Plague preview  Subsanity preview  Logic Plague (2000)  [EP] 40/100    May 30, 2024
Not authentic. This artwork is stolen by a counterfeit band that has nothing to do with the genuine band. It's not Subsanity: just a band that took it's name from the actual band.
no image preview  Subsanity preview  Psycho Dubs (1995) 85/100    May 30, 2024
Line-up: Mike-voice, Brad-drums, Neill-bass, DJ-1st guitar & bass, Arnette-other guitar. David Hyde Studio. Neil left during recording - DJ covered his bass parts.
Lost on Earth / Frozen Sunset preview  Subsanity preview  Lost on Earth / Frozen Sunset (1996)  [Split] 85/100    May 30, 2024
Line-up: Mike-voice, Brad-drums, Timmy-bass, Greenaway-1st guitar, Arnette-other guitar.
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