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Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) CD Photo
Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) CD Photo
preview  Nocturnal Damnation  –  preview  Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) (2018)  [Compilation]
Format : CD
December 13, 2018
Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017)
Rating :  92.5 / 100
Votes :  2
Album (2018)
GenresDeath Metal, Black Metal
LabelsPagan War Distro Rex
1. Gasmask Warmageddon
2. Anneliese Death Ritual
3. Dominion of Antichrist
4. Workship the Baphomet
5. Extermination of the Golgotha
6. Iron Baphomet`s Demoniac Reign
7. Apocalytic Nuclear War
8. The Almighty Sathanas
9. Satanic War Metal
10. Sabbat of Carnal Depravity (Unreleased Demo 2017)
11. Gasmask Warmageddon (Unreleased Extended Version)
12. Tyrannus Diabolus (Unreleased New Track)
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Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) CD Photo
Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) Photo
Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) CD Photo
Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) CD Photo
Nocturnal Damnation - Sado Goat Ritual Desecration(2010-2017) CD Photo
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