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Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresAvant-garde Metal, Progressive Metal
LabelsAscendance Records
Ranked#113 for 2008 , #3,945 all-time
Reviews :  2
Comments :  2
Total votes :  4
Rating :  89 / 100
Have :  3       Want : 0
Added by level 21 Zyklus
Last modified by level 17 MKContributor
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Akphaezya - Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity CD Photo by Metal AddictionAkphaezya - Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity CD Photo
Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity Information

Track listing (Songs)


Line-up (members)

  • Stéphane Béguier : Bass
  • Loïc Moussaoui : Drums
  • Stephan H. : Guitars
  • Nehl Aëlin : Vocals, Keyboards
Recorded at Concrete Studio.

Drums on tracks 5 and 8 recorded at Studio-Würm.

Keyboards, bass, vocals on tracks 5 and 8 + everything from tracks 3 and 9 recorded at N-Vox Studios.

Mixed at Tower Studio.

Re-recorded version of the 2004 demo.

All artwork done by Wizp, based on Stephan H.'s concept and ideas.

Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity Lists


Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity Reviews

Reviewer :  level 21   85/100
Date : 
Akphaezya je francúzska, mne skôr menej známa kapela (doteraz), ktorej štýl sa dá charakterizovať ako mix Avantgardy a Prog. Metal -u s prvkami Extreme. Klávesy a rôzne prevedenia spevu (hlavne melodický, ale aj rev a miestami growling) je v réžii ženskej speváčky Nehl Aëlin. Nástroje sú si dosť rovnocenné, takže aj keď je hudba postavená na metalových základoch, gitary nehrajú úplný prim, striedajú sa s ostatnými nástrojmi, vďaka čomu sa do popredia dostanú rôzne netradičné štýly: jazz, ambient, akustické a klávesové vyhrávky, prípadne atmosférické prvky. Hudba plynie prevažne v strednom tempe a hudobníci ovládajú kvalitne svoje nástroje. Zvuk albumu je tiež čitateľný a dobre nazvučený. Niekedy som si pri ich hudbe spomenul na Diablo Swing Orchestra, ktorých radím v rámci štýlu ešte vyššie. Sú tam aj pasáže, ktoré mohli byť viac dotiahnuté, ale ako celok je album podarené.
1 like
Reviewer :  level 20   86/100
Date : 
France! 그렇다. 제가 말하고 싶은건 '역시! ' 라는 말밖에 할수 없는 것 같습니다. Akphaezya 의 1집 입니다.프로그레시브한 요소 및 어쿠스틱 한 비중이 큰 편인데 Daek Sanctuary 의 냄새가 조금은 느껴지는 것 같습니다. 스타일이 비슷한 건 아니지만, 앞서 언급한 두 요소를 빼기에 앞서 보컬의 그로울링 파트를 빼면 약간은 빠른 다센 의 느낌이 묻어나오는것 같습니다.특히 지나가다가도 한번은 들어봤을만한 Chrysalis 곡이 유명한데 오페라 고딕메틀? 이라고 불렸던 어느 한 분의 말이 새록새록 많이 나네요. 현대적인 리듬도 많이 느껴지는 앨범입니다.

Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity Comments

level 14   90/100
It would be a laborious task to find a debut album with this kind of quality. If you like progressive metal with a sophisticated touch of jazzy elements, this album is a "must-have" one. It is full of heavenly and eye-popping musical moments from the beginning to the end with an exhilarating avant-garde spirit.
Akphaezya - Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity CD Photo by Metal Addiction
level 12   95/100
상큼하면서 아랫분 커멘트처럼 익살스러움이 담겨있다. 모든 곡이 개성 있기에 더욱 듣는 재미가 증가한다.

Akphaezya Discography

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▶  Anthology II: Links from the Dead TrinityAlbum8942
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