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9,660 albums
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Authorization: Legal OffensepreviewBenefactor DeceasepreviewAuthorization: Legal Offense (2009)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Massive Spreads of DeathpreviewBenefactor DeceasepreviewMassive Spreads of Death (2008)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Ferocious of the DismorphedpreviewBenefactor DeceasepreviewFerocious of the Dismorphed (2008)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
ParamnesiapreviewParamnesiapreviewParamnesia (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Paramnesia / UnrupreviewParamnesiapreviewParamnesia / Unru (2014)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Ce que dit la bouche d'ombrepreviewParamnesiapreviewCe que dit la bouche d'ombre (2013)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Les contemplationspreviewParamnesiapreviewLes contemplations (2013)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Precession of the EquinoxespreviewWar IronpreviewPrecession of the Equinoxes (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Of Prophecy and AlchemypreviewWar IronpreviewOf Prophecy and Alchemy (2013)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
One Track PromopreviewWar IronpreviewOne Track Promo (2013)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Headless Kross / War IronpreviewWar IronpreviewHeadless Kross / War Iron (2012)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Leechfeast / Meth DrinkerpreviewLeechfeast / Meth DrinkerpreviewLeechfeast / Meth Drinker (2015)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Leechfeast / MarnostpreviewLeechfeastpreviewLeechfeast / Marnost (2014)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Hideous IllusionspreviewLeechfeastpreviewHideous Illusions (2012)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
no imagepreviewLeechfeastpreviewCassette 2010 (2010)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Demo 2010previewLeechfeastpreviewDemo 2010 (2010)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Meth DrinkerpreviewMeth DrinkerpreviewMeth Drinker (2015)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
OILpreviewMeth DrinkerpreviewOIL (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
EntropypreviewNoothgrushpreviewEntropy (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Uncovered FailurespreviewNoothgrushpreviewUncovered Failures (2014)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
A Failure of Imagination: Live at Gilman 1996previewNoothgrushpreviewA Failure of Imagination: Live at Gilman 1996 (2014)  [Live]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Noothgrush / SuppressionpreviewNoothgrushpreviewNoothgrush / Suppression (2012)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Live for NothingpreviewNoothgrushpreviewLive for Nothing (2011)  [Live]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Erode the PersonpreviewNoothgrushpreviewErode the Person (2006)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Mana-Yood-SushaipreviewBongpreviewMana-Yood-Sushai (2012)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 9, 2015
Songs of LamentpreviewYautjapreviewSongs of Lament (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 8, 2015
Songs of DescentpreviewYautjapreviewSongs of Descent (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 8, 2015
2011previewYautjapreview2011 (2011)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 8, 2015
Savage RetributionpreviewEndless AfflictionpreviewSavage Retribution (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Chain of BalancepreviewEndless AfflictionpreviewChain of Balance (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Pungent Stench / Disharmonic OrchestrapreviewDisharmonic Orchestra / Pungent StenchpreviewPungent Stench / Disharmonic Orchestra (1989)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Nuclear Blast Promo EP IIpreviewBenediction / Macabre / Mortification / GorefestpreviewNuclear Blast Promo EP II (1993)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Dehumanization by SupremacypreviewAnalepsypreviewDehumanization by Supremacy (2015)  [EP]1001level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Genetic MutationspreviewAnalepsypreviewGenetic Mutations (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Wrathnight at FarenightpreviewEngine Driven CultivatorspreviewWrathnight at Farenight (2004)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Devastation LandspreviewEngine Driven CultivatorspreviewDevastation Lands (2004)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Daemonic: the Art of DantalianpreviewVeldpreviewDaemonic: the Art of Dantalian (2015)92.52level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
VeldpreviewVeldpreviewVeld (2009)  [Video]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Love. Anguish. HatepreviewVeldpreviewLove. Anguish. Hate (2008)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
End of AllpreviewVeldpreviewEnd of All (2005)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Pure Hatred - Live EcstasypreviewVeldpreviewPure Hatred - Live Ecstasy (2005)  [Video]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Infested with Rats LifepreviewVeldpreviewInfested with Rats Life (2002)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
no imagepreviewV.E.L.D.previewTime Is Now (2001)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
The Cosmic ThronepreviewSerpentspirepreviewThe Cosmic Throne (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
The 6 Level PurgepreviewDiphenylchloroarsinepreviewThe 6 Level Purge (2015)  [EP]1001level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Origin of Macabre ExterminationpreviewIncivility RegurgitatedpreviewOrigin of Macabre Extermination (2015)401level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Remains of CorpsespreviewIncivility RegurgitatedpreviewRemains of Corpses (2011)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Broken FleshpreviewBroken FleshpreviewBroken Flesh (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Cries of the DeadpreviewBroken FleshpreviewCries of the Dead (2015)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
SubjugationpreviewNuklear FrostpreviewSubjugation (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
MMIXpreviewNuklear FrostpreviewMMIX (2009)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
The American DreampreviewYour Chance to DiepreviewThe American Dream (2013)-0level 17 MKContributorNov 3, 2015
Grind Your Mind: a History of GrindcorepreviewVarious ArtistspreviewGrind Your Mind: a History of Grindcore (2007)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 28, 2015
Time to PanicpreviewNervous ImpulsepreviewTime to Panic (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Promo 2014previewNervous ImpulsepreviewPromo 2014 (2014)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
5 Song PromopreviewNervous Impulsepreview5 Song Promo (2009)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Shit HappenspreviewGutalaxpreviewShit Happens (2015)83.33level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Exalted CompositionspreviewThe Last of LucypreviewExalted Compositions (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Euphoric ObsessionpreviewThe Last of LucypreviewEuphoric Obsession (2010)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Prosthetic Cunt / NemopreviewProsthetic CuntpreviewProsthetic Cunt / Nemo (2002)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Warsore / Smoke Em’ If You’ve Got Em’previewEgrogsidpreviewWarsore / Smoke Em’ If You’ve Got Em’ (1998)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Catasexual Urge Motivation / EgrogsidpreviewEgrogsidpreviewCatasexual Urge Motivation / Egrogsid (1996)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Flesh & Bowel Grinder Inc.previewDisgorgepreviewFlesh & Bowel Grinder Inc. (1997)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Imperial Anthems No. 17previewDesaster / SoulburnpreviewImperial Anthems No. 17 (2015)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Live in BambergpreviewDesasterpreviewLive in Bamberg (2014)  [Live]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Battle BreedpreviewBodyfarmpreviewBattle Breed (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 26, 2015
Tribute to MorticianpreviewVarious ArtistspreviewTribute to Mortician (2007)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Demon IncarnatepreviewDemon IncarnatepreviewDemon Incarnate (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Nekrokore Is LovepreviewKadaverfickerpreviewNekrokore Is Love (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Scalare / TerrorazorpreviewTerrorazorpreviewScalare / Terrorazor (2014)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Eternity's GatepreviewNerlichpreviewEternity's Gate (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Corrosive RevelationpreviewEndseekerpreviewCorrosive Revelation (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Forced Out FetuspreviewBarry the MorticianpreviewForced Out Fetus (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Bound in BloodpreviewBarry the MorticianpreviewBound in Blood (2014)  [Single]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Barry the MorticianpreviewBarry the MorticianpreviewBarry the Mortician (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Indulgence over Abstinence Behind the Obsidian VeilpreviewEchelonpreviewIndulgence over Abstinence Behind the Obsidian Veil (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
The Coffin Earth's EntrailspreviewCome Back from the DeadpreviewThe Coffin Earth's Entrails (2014)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Demo 2013previewCome Back from the DeadpreviewDemo 2013 (2013)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 25, 2015
Against TyrannypreviewFarasupreviewAgainst Tyranny (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Thunder RoarpreviewSil KhannazpreviewThunder Roar (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
6-Way SplitpreviewSicksociety / Draconaeonpreview6-Way Split (2006)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Megastorm EyepreviewNuclear StrikespreviewMegastorm Eye (2011)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Metal to MetalspreviewVarious ArtistspreviewMetal to Metals (2006)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
DeliriouspreviewDeliriouspreviewDelirious (2012)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
CessationpreviewDead in the MangerpreviewCessation (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
TransiencepreviewDead in the MangerpreviewTransience (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Cult of the TechnocratpreviewCoffin BirthpreviewCult of the Technocrat (2015)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Necrotic LiquefactionpreviewCoffin BirthpreviewNecrotic Liquefaction (2014)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Coffin BirthpreviewCoffin BirthpreviewCoffin Birth (2013)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
The Wake of ArespreviewInfected ChaospreviewThe Wake of Ares (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Mince the BastardspreviewAgathoclespreviewMince the Bastards (2015)  [Compilation]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Progress of Civil AnnihilationpreviewAgathocles / TsubopreviewProgress of Civil Annihilation (2009)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
The Return of the ArkpreviewCatacombpreviewThe Return of the Ark (1993)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
UnrealpreviewCatacombpreviewUnreal (1991)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
Rehearsal TapepreviewCatacombpreviewRehearsal Tape (1991)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 23, 2015
...con cognizione di causapreviewTsubopreview...con cognizione di causa (2012)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 22, 2015
Grindcore BullshitpreviewTsubo / DiscolonypreviewGrindcore Bullshit (2009)  [Split]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 22, 2015
Anus MundipreviewTsubopreviewAnus Mundi (2008)  [EP]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 22, 2015
Promo 2005previewTsubopreviewPromo 2005 (2005)  [Demo]-0level 17 MKContributorOct 22, 2015
Die Dunkle DimensionpreviewDepressionpreviewDie Dunkle Dimension (2015)-0level 17 MKContributorOct 22, 2015
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,763
Reviews : 10,476
Albums : 172,210
Lyrics : 218,435