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The Fear of Fear

LabelsPale Chord
FormatCD, Digital, Vinyl
Ranked#102 for 2023 , #4,896 all-time
Reviews :  1
Comments :  6
Total votes :  7
Rating :  85 / 100
Have :  1
Want : 1
Added by level 21 Eagles
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Spiritbox - The Fear of Fear CD Photo by ggerubumSpiritbox - The Fear of Fear CD Photo by GODSIZE
The Fear of Fear Information

Track listing (Songs)

1.Cellar Door-0Music Video
Music Video
3.Too Close / Too Late851
4.Angel Eyes-0
5.3:40-0Music Video

The Fear of Fear Reviews

Reviewer :  level 16   70/100
Date : 
This EP is lazy, uninspired, and messily over-produced. It's a big disappointment from a band that is supposed to be good according to the music industry, but probably about 300 metal releases were better than this in 2023.

The clean vocals get annoying, and the harsh vocals are pretty good, but the lyrics are sophomoric uneducated amateurish whatever. The softer not-so-metal parts sound like Dance Gavin Dance but minus all the emotion. The breakdowns are mid-tier, but that's supposed to be your specialty as a metalcore band, right? Dwarrowdelf had better breakdowns on his recent album, and that's not even his genre.

Also, if the singer is any good, then why are there so many effects and filters on her voice? People whined about effects on Ozzy Osbourne's voice on his 2022 album, but what's the age difference between Ozzy & Courtney? The stupidest choice by Spiritbox here was all of the overproduced synths & sound effects and electronica in the background. All that garbage is just tacked on without being integrated into the songs. They make an obvious effort to rip off the soundscape of NIИ's Downward Spiral. Wow, Spiritbox, you have street cred now. Was it even a band member or just some apathetic record label employee who added those sounds.

I guess the part that works best is the verses of the heavier songs when there aren't breakdowns, but overall this EP is a mess and it sounds like nobody cared about producing good music or even taking the time to focus their
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The Fear of Fear Comments

level 12   80/100
반해있는 상태라 굉장히 큰 기대를 가지고 수십번의 반복청취. 분명 스피릿박스 만의 정서를 당연히 가지고 있어 즐겁게 잘 들었지만, 이것이 직설적인 표출로 좀 치우친 것이 아닌가 싶다. 쥐락 펴락, 숨죽여 흐느껴 울다가 절규하고 해야하는데, 전반적으로 화만 내는 느낌.
Spiritbox - The Fear of Fear CD Photo by ggerubum
level 8   80/100
이런 유의 밴드를 좋아하는 가장 큰 이유라면 아름다운 여성의 보컬에서 마치 짐승의 포효 같은 그로울링으로 변화할 때 느끼는 일종의 카타르시스 때문이랄까… 사실 이번 앨범에서는 클린 보컬로 곡 전체를 이끌어 가는 구성이 많아진 건 아쉽다고 할 수 있지만 커트니의 클린 보컬 역시 훌륭하다고 생각하는 나로서는 만족스러운 앨범.
Spiritbox - The Fear of Fear CD Photo by GODSIZE
level 5   95/100
The perfect album when it comes to showing people what new metal sounds like. Everything is done with an amazingly high level of quality. Courtney is amazing with the vocals as always, showing more range with her cleans. The guitar and drums work perfectly with it as well, either exploding in your face when she’s angry or flowing along when it’s a more melodic tone. Spiritbox 2024 is going to be an album of the year contender, without a doubt.
level 13   80/100
The vocals are so soothing, makes it better than her first band. Too bad the others aren't quite my taste.
level 10   90/100
Metal을 이끌어갈 차세대 선두주자임을 다시 한 번 증명한 Spiritbox의 EP. 개인적으로 Djent느낌보다는 Courtney의 클린보컬이 많이 들어간 곡들이 인상적이었다
level 2   100/100
Just Marvelous

Spiritbox Discography

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▶  The Fear of FearEP8571
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Reviews : 10,749
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