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The Kovenant
ArtistThe Kovenant
GenresIndustrial Metal, Cyber Metal
LabelsNuclear Blast

The Kovenant Albums Ranked

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RankCover artAlbumRatingVotesReviews 
1Covenant - Nexus Polaris
90262#16 for 1998
#632 all-time
2The Kovenant - Animatronic
84.1210#63 for 1999
#2,827 all-time
3Covenant - In Times Before the Light
84.5121#79 for 1996
#3,829 all-time
4The Kovenant - S.E.T.I.
7751#241 for 2003
#8,399 all-time
5The Kovenant - In Times Before the Light
62.541#244 for 2002
#9,533 all-time
Info / Statistics
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Albums : 176,263
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