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Covenant - In Times Before the Light

In Times Before the Light

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresMelodic Black Metal
Ranked#79 for 1996 , #3,829 all-time
Reviews :  1
Comments :  11
Total votes :  12
Rating :  84.5 / 100
Have :  6       Want : 1
Added by level 21 Zyklus
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Covenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by MarkoritualCovenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by groooveCovenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by The DEADCovenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by 푸른날개Covenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by Singed
In Times Before the Light Information

Track listing (Songs)

1.Towards The Crown Of Nights5:50853
3.The Dark Conquest6:5483.33
4.From The Storm Of Shadows5:13803
5.Night Of The Blackwinds3:4081.73
6.The Chasm3:4486.73
7.Visions Of A Lost Kingdom3:26803
8.Through The Eyes Of The Raven5:00803
9.In Times Before The Light5:59803
10.Monarch Of The Mighty Darkness5:5486.73

Line-up (members)

  • N. Blackheart : Vocals, drums, synth
  • T. Blackheart : Guitars, bass, synth
Later re-mixed and re-released when the band's name changed to The Kovenant.

Many copies of the album artwork were mysteriously lost and never again found,
while being shipped to the record company. This fact delayed the release date
of the album for many months.

"In Times Before the Light" was recorded & mixed at X-Ray Studios in the fall
of 1995
Enigneered by Sire Johannesen; produced ... See More

In Times Before the Light Reviews

Reviewer :  level 21   80/100
Date : 
debutové album "In Times Before the Light" od nórskej úderky Covenant (neskôr si museli zmeniť názov kapely na The Kovenant, z dôvodu už existujúcej EMB kapely s rovnakým názvom) v dobe vydania nespôsobilo na metalovej scéne veľký rozruch (to sa stalo až pri druhom výbornom albume "Nexus Polaris"), avšak aj s odstupom množstva rokov je potrebné uviesť, že patrí ku kvalitným Melodickým Black Metal -ovým albumom, ktoré patria k tomu lepšiemu v rámci danej scény. Hudba je prevažne v strednom, prípadne rýchlejšom tempe, avšak gitarová hra je vždy sprevádzaná klávesovými prípadne akustickými vyhrávkami, je celkom melodická a čiastočne aj atmosférická. Rev (spev) je klasický black metalový, avšak aj napriek občasnej monotónnosti patrí k tým lepším. Jednou malou nevýhodou je, že niektoré piesne sú si celkom podobné. Taktiež bicie sú v rámci scény celkom dobre zvládnuté a nefrčia v jednom tempe, naopak prispôsobujú sa celkovej hudbe. Neskôr - v roku 2002 bolo dané album remixované a vydané pod hlavičkou The Kovenant - In Times Before the Light s využitím elektronických zvukov a čiastočne aj iných postupov (pôsobí chladnejšie, avšak menej temnejšie, no tiež nie je zlé).

In Times Before the Light Comments

level 18   80/100
In Times Before the Light is a good album I think
level 12   75/100
the first album didn't interest me much, but it also contains a few good pieces
level 13   90/100
토속적이면서도 신비로운 분위기 제대로 잡으며 얼음동굴 크리스탈 같은 멜로디가 귀를 얼리고, 시종일관 흘러넘치는데도 그저 적절하게만 느껴진 신스의 활용은 앳머스페릭함을 자아냅니다. 그 어린 나이에 이 완성된 사운드를 만들어냈다는게 믿겨지지가 않습니다. 도대체 노르웨이는 뭐하는 땅이길래, 이런 재능들이 나왔고, 계속해서 나오고 있는 것일까요.
level 15   95/100
이거를 16살이 만들었다니 상당히 괜찮은 멜블랙이다
Covenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by Singed
level 19   80/100
당시의 멜로딕 블랙메탈 수작답다. 스산하고 차가운 멜로디와 분위기가 맘에 들었다. 이 수작을 그 어린 나이에 만들었다는 점이 상당히 놀랍다.
level 12   90/100
초기 노르웨이의 차갑고 거친 비장한 기운을 온몸으로 느끼기에 전혀 부족함이 없다
1 like
level 15   90/100
초딩질의 드럼이 유톡 티는게 문제이지만 단점을 뛰어 넘을 멜로디가 강하게 살아 있는 멜심블 계의 유명한 음반인데 이것을 중학생이 맨들었다는게 연구대상될만한 문제작 ㅋㅋㅋ
Covenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by 푸른날개
level 12   80/100
음산함과 분위기가 살아있게 레코딩도 적절히 되어있고 멜로디도 빼놓지 않았다. 키보드 사운드 비중이 상대적으로 커서 정통블랙을 고수하시는 리스너들께서는 삼가하시길...
level 18   90/100
16살 때 만든 엄청난 퀄리티의 앨범..... 나가쉬의 능력이 빛을 발하던 시기였다.
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Covenant - In Times Before the Light CD Photo by The DEAD
level 6   85/100
90년대 노르웨이식 멜로딕 블랙메탈. 특유의 분위기 좋다.
level 20   80/100
이 1집을 이 프로젝트 밴드의 명반으로 뽑는 사람들이 많은데 사실 1집이나 2집이나 두 앨범다 명반의 대접을 받을 가치는 충분하다. 좀더 음산하고 심포닉한 '블랙'메탈의 사운드에 치중한 데뷔작. 당시 나가쉬의 나이가 몇살이었는지 아는사람? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 이 앨범도 요샌 안
1 like

Covenant Discography

AlbumTypeRelease dateRatingVotesReviews
▶  In Times Before the LightAlbum84.5121
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Artists : 48,970
Reviews : 10,666
Albums : 176,234
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