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Albums : 10     Total votes : 25     Reviews : 3
Added by level Morbid-Saint
Last modified by level 18 휘루


CountryUnited States
Formed1995, Kansas City, Missouri (early); Tampa, Florida (later)
GenresDeath Metal, Black Metal
LabelsOsmose Productions, The End Records
Years active1995-1999, 2006-2009, 2015-present

Line-up (members)

  • Gene Palubicki : Guitars (1995-2000, 2006-2009, 2015-present)
  • Pete Helmkamp : Vocals, Bass (1995-2000, 2006-2009, 2015-present)
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Angelcorpse - The Inexorable CD Photo by MasterChefAngelcorpse - Exterminate CD Photo by 댄직Angelcorpse - Hammer of Gods Vinyl Photo by IlludeadAngelcorpse - Of Lucifer and Lightning CD Photo by rag911Angelcorpse - The Inexorable CD Photo by The DEADAngelcorpse - Hammer of Gods Cassette Photo by Megametal

Angelcorpse Discography

AlbumLyrics TypeRelease dateRatingVotesReviews
Angelcorpse - Hammer of GodsLyricsAlbum77.171
Angelcorpse - ExterminateLyricsAlbum87.1112
Angelcorpse - The InexorableLyricsAlbum83.360
Angelcorpse - Of Lucifer and LightningLyricsAlbum-00

Best Angelcorpse Songs

1Hammer of Gods (1996)92.54
2Exterminate (1998)904
3Hammer of Gods (1996)904
4Hammer of Gods (1996)904
5Exterminate (1998)88.84
6Hammer of Gods (1996)88.84
7Exterminate (1998)87.54
8Exterminate (1998)86.34
9Exterminate (1998)854
10Exterminate (1998)83.84
11Exterminate (1998)83.84
12Exterminate (1998)82.54
13Hammer of Gods (1996)82.54
14Hammer of Gods (1996)82.54
15Hammer of Gods (1996)83.33
Additional notes
Additional notes
Regarding the band's name, Pete Helmkamp stated in an interview; "We put it as two words on the demo, so Osmose learned it that way. But that was just a mistake at the printers...it was one of those flukes. But it is just a single word...it just seems to look more visually pleasing as a single word. It fits with the phonetics: we say 'Angelcorpse', not 'Angel Corpse'."

Began in Kansas City, Missouri in, relocating to Tampa, Florida in November 1998. After the release of 1999's The Inexorable Angelcorpse parted ways, before getting back together in 2006. They split up again in April 2009, reforming again in 2015.

Compilation Appearances:
- "Burning in Hell" for Seven Gates of Hell: Tribute to Possessed (Karmaggedon Media, 2004)
- "Desecration of Virgin" for Tribute to Sarcófago (Cogumelo Records, 2001)
- "Demon Seed" for Scream Forth Blasphemy: Tribute to Morbid Angel
- "Kill Again" for Gateway to Hell 2: Tribute to Slayer (2000).
Contributors to this artist
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