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Albums : 5     Total votes : 1     Reviews : 0
Added by level 12 멜레릭


Formed2009, Fredericton, New Brunswick
GenresFolk Metal, Melodic Black Metal
Years active2009-present

Line-up (members)

  • Brendan Hayter : Bass
  • Rae Amitay : Drums
  • Joel Violette : Vocals, Guitars

Former members

  • David Gold (R.I.P 2011) : Drums
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Thrawsunblat Discography

AlbumLyrics TypeRelease dateRatingVotesReviews
Thrawsunblat - Canada 2010Album-00
Thrawsunblat - Thrawsunblat II: Wanderer on the Continent of SaplingsAlbum-00
Thrawsunblat - MetachthoniaLyricsAlbum7510
Additional notes
Joel Violette has stated that the name "Thrawsunblat" was David Gold's idea. When asked about the meaning of the name in an interview in 2013, Violette quoted Gold's explanation: "look at it this way— when Canadians listen to Northern European metal, anything we write and play will be a bastardized version of European metal. And at the same time, Thrawsunblat, is like one of us, in a bastardized version of a European language, saying the phrase "Thrash and blast". Like a great big metal dude going "Jaaa! Thraws und Blat! Ha ha ha!" Another selling point was that it has the words "raw", "sun", and almost "blast" in it. So it sort of means bastardized European metal, from Canada".

It was previously stated (jokingly) on the offical Facebook page, that Thrawsunblat is an anagram of "narwhal butts".

2014 logo by Adam Gillis.
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