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Name :  level 16 랍할포드
Date :  2012-04-27 19:42
Hits :  5144

아치에너미 기타리스트 크리스토퍼가 나갔네요.

아래 뮤비보다가 '새 기타리스트'라고 쓰신 Mefisto님 댓글보고 깜짝 놀랐는데


확인해보니까 진짜 바뀌었더군요..


Nick Cordle 이라는 기타리스트인데 Arsis라고 미국데스메탈밴드에 있던 사람이네요.


현재 투어도 닉하고 하고있답니다.


크리스토퍼 아모트는 더이상 익스트림 메탈을 연주하는데 흥미가 없다고 하네요.


밴드와는 우호적으로 헤어졌구요.


이하는 아치에너미 공식사이트 원본입니다.


ARCH ENEMY and Christopher Amott part ways, recruit replacement.

ARCH ENEMY have parted ways with guitarist Christopher Amott in an amicable split. 

Christopher Amott was a member of ARCH ENEMY between 1996-2005 and again between 2007-2011.

Following is a joint statement by ARCH ENEMY.

”We thank Christopher for the time he’s worked with the band and of course wish him the very best in his future endeavours.

Thankfully, there is no drama behind the scenes here. This is the best way forward for all involved. Christopher simply isn’t into playing extreme metal anymore.

We have already chosen and rehearsed with a new guitar player and we will complete the ’Khaos Legions’ 2012 touring cycle as planned. We are highly motivated and look forward to continue spreading our music around the world!

Finally, our deepest thanks go to the ARCH ENEMY fans, whose amazing support and belief inspires us ever onward.”


ARCH ENEMY are pleased to welcome 26 year old American guitarist Nick Cordle on board as they continue their touring activity following the release of their recent ”Khaos Legions” (2011) album. 


Founding guitarist Michael Amott comments: ”Nick was my first choice as he ticks all the right boxes for Arch Enemy with his musicality and technicality as well as his personality and dedication. Looking forward to having him join us on stage, the rehearsals have shown we have a devastating twin axe attack going on!”


Nick Cordle was raised in a musical family in Virginia by parents who teach classical piano and was immersed in 19th century piano music as a child.  Rachmaninoff, Brahms, and Liszt are his early memories.  There were piano and violin lessons from a very early age but a rebellious streak led to the guitar at the age of 10, and within a few years he discovered the classic thrash metal albums by Megadeth, Metallica, and Slayer. This was his first real musical passion and gateway into extreme music.

Nick studied jazz and music theory at the University of Virginia from 2003 to 2007 but remains self taught in the ways of ”shred” and metal. Shortly thereafter, he joined American death metal band ARSIS playing bass and guitar over a three year period performing with them on various European tours and countless gigs across the US, Canada, and Mexico as well as performing and writing on their most recent album ”Starve For The Devil” (2010). 

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level 우왕굳     2012-04-27 21:48
크리스 아못... 갠적으로 정말 좋아하는 기타리스트입니다~
어떤 음악으로 돌아올지 기대되네요 ㅎ
아마게돈 다시 활동할려나...
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